Help Wizard

Step 1


Unlink from facebook

Unlink from facebook

Hi, I connected my spotify account to my facebook account and now I can't disconnect it, yes, I went to edit and then preferences but there's just a "connect to facebook" button, I don't see the disconnect one.It's like I haven't connected it to Facebook when it already is. Please help me , I don't want my spotify connected to my facebook.

2 Replies

Hi there,


Welcome to the Community.


If you're having trouble disconnecting your account from Facebook, please get in touch using our online form and one of our advisors will be happy to help. If you receive an autoresponse, just send an email directly in reply and someone will be in touch shortly. 


For Twitter support, find us at @SpotifyCares.

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If the button is showing as "Connect to Facebook" the link between your account and Facebook has been broken. However it can take a little time for all Facebook data to vanish from your profile if you only disconnected recently?

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