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Step 1


Wrong E-mail, how to change?

Wrong E-mail, how to change?



I want to reset my account for reasons. Long story short


I created a Spotify account with my Main E-mail, let's call it ""

My user name is Falth95

Using free mode


I connected my account with facebook, later a friend offered me Premium via his Family account. I connected my account to his family account. For some reason I can't remember, I set my account E-mail in account settings to another E-mail, let's call it ""


some time later my friend kicked me from his family account and i was back to free mode. 


The e-mail "" never existed until today 2017-mar-01.

In order to delete my spotify account I created "" because my spotify account said this was the e-mail it was created from. But I dont get the deleting mail from spotify to ""


To sum it up. I can use 3 aliases to sign in.





I want to delet my Spotify account in order to register a new one with my real E-mail




3 Replies

Hey @falth95, welcome to the Spotify Community!

So, if I understand correctly, the email you want to use isn't associated with any of the accounts you said? Can you try going here and putting in your real email? If you receive a password reset form, use it and then use the account it gives you the information for. Once you have that account, you can close the other accounts using this guide:

Does that help?

I'll try to make it easier.


My spotify account seems to use 2 emails. My real one "" and the other one "". "" is set as default for my spotify account.

I want to use "" which is my real email. I can't simply change the email in account settings because if i do it says "" is already in use. But I can log in with "" to the same account as "" is bound to. 


And no your suggestion did not work. To mention I disconnected my spotify with faceook. If i type in my real email "" where you said, it says

"It seems that you log in to Spotify with your Facebook login information. If you want to change your Facebook password, go to the page with your settings" even if I disconnected spotify with facebook.



I'd suggest getting in contact with Spotify support since your problem is so complicated. They can take a look backstage and help you sort it all out. The easiest way to contact them is by messaging SpotifyCares on Facebook or Twitter. They usually respond within 48 hours.

Please let me know if I can help you with anything else 🙂

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