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Step 1


my Subscription gone

my Subscription gone

I can not log into my Spotify account on my ipad nor iphone. When i access via the web , spotify says I can no active subscription anymore. I have been Spotify Premium for months now paying with my visa card. 


In "View receipts" there is nothing.


What happend to my account ?


3 Replies

holy smoke. What a nice support team. No reply at all 😞


That's an account issue you have there. The best thing to do would be to send a message over to our customer service team. Scroll up and click on "About Us" at the top of the screen, and then click on "Contact Form", and that's the form you need.
Airhorn Enthusiast

again Spotify has taken 99 kr. out of my account without fixing the f****** problem.


thats now 198 dkk i have paid for a service that is not working

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