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password reset problems

password reset problems

what up spotify community! so for some reason i cant login. ive logged in w my facebook info and when i try to reset my password it just prompts me to enter my email where i receive a message telling me to search the community help forum or faq and i'll find my answer there which i have not. its actually kind of a hassle searching around for something im not able to find rather than just being sent an actual password reset link. i dont know what to do and its a little frustrating. any suggestions? thankyou

11 Replies

Hey 🙂 


If you log in using Facebook and you wish to change your password, then you need to do that over on the Facebook website. 

If you are logging in using a Spotify username that you can't remember the password to, enter your username on this page and it will send the reset email to the email account associated with your account. 



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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hey there!


ok so i'm still a bit confused. this may sound dumb so please forgive me! 🙂 are you saying that i need to reset my actual facebook password? i'd rather not if i don't have to. otherwise i don't know how to reset the spotify password from facebook if that's what you're getting at. this whole process seems way to cumbersome already i don't understand why the spotify support can't just give me a reset link in the first place? any help is greatly appreciated! thankyou!

one more thing... i've entered my username/email info in the reset page and i just get the same reply. spotify just keeps telling me to search the community/help and faq's....and i haven't found any clear cut instructions other than log into facebook and do it there which i don't understand how to do or to enter my username/email info on the reset page which just sends me the same message again. around and around in circles...please help!

Just to clarify do you normally sign into the Spotify client using a Spotify username and password or using your Facebook email address and password? 



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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hey there! 


i always use my facebook email and password to login.

Hey again 🙂 


If you use Facebook to sign in then all your password management is done over on not on Spotify. If you need to change your password to log into Spotify using that account, then you need to change your password on the main Facebook website. 



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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ok so just out of curiosity, do you have any idea why i might be having this problem? my facebook password has not changed in quite some time. also, the login prompt is saying a firewall may be blocking spotify(error 117)?...the firewall settings on my laptop have never been messed with and i am the only user for this computer.

Hi there - How's this working for you now? Been able to sign in?


The next thing I'd like you to try is going to your actual Facebook profile. You should see a tab labeled 'Music' on the left handside. Try clicking on any Spotify track--the app should launch with your account logged in. 

I am trying to change my password. I enter my username and password on my phone and the desktop player BUT when I try to log in using my web browser it doesnt let me it.

I do not log in with Facebook, please advise. 

When I try yo reset it takes me to the home page and wants me to re-register - they it tells me that I already have an account. The password reset is nowhere to be found.

Hi youngjw3 - If you joined via Facebook your login details will be your FB email and password. 


That password can be reset via the Facebook website. 

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