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Scrobbling / support using Chromecast Audio


Scrobbling / support using Chromecast Audio


I would love to get a Chromecast Audio, but I really enjoy tracking my songs via Will the songs you listen to be scrobbled (i.e. submitted to when you are streaming or casting via the Chromecast Audio? And if not, are there any workarounds to achieve this? 


I have searched online, but so far I haven't been able to find an answer. 



EDIT (14 Aug 2017): There seems to be a solution, discussed here:

70 Replies

No solution! Doesnt work!

Still doesn't worked. I don't know why it's marked as Solved!!! We need an answer, Spotify. Please implement server-side scrobbling.

I've unmarked it!

Thank you, Peter. This helps with bringing the feature request to Spotify Developers' attention.


They seem to be very slow and backward-minded when it comes to implementing new technology. Same thing has been happening with Google Cast integration, and after a year and half it's still 40% done.


These things shouldn't be rocket-science to a solid dev team working for a multi-billion-dollar company!!

Still not fixed!

This feature is really important to me, can't believe this isn't possible.

Please add this feature!

for those who use linux and have the spotify client installed, the pulseaudio-dlna plugin works perfectly! instructions for debian users below:


- install pulseaudio-dlna plugin

# apt-get install pulseaudio-dlna

- run configuration wizard

pulseaudio-dlna --create-device-config

- restart pulseaudio daemon (here it's not in system mode)

$ pulseaudio --kill; pulseaudio --start --log-target=syslog

- run the plugin

$ pulseaudio-dlna --filter-device 'name of your cast device'

- open pavucontrol and choose the output device

$ pavucontrol

- run spotify client

$ spotify &


given the client is no longer controlled but instead controlling, you will see your songs being scrobbled again. 😄




I logged a call on their helpdesk regarding this, after several emails I got a generic response 'it's with development, no indication of time frame'

Problem exists also with airplay.

Yes, it would be definitely great if we were able to scrobble when using Chromecast

Found a solution! (like 6 months ago. Sorry for not remembering to post here)

I've been using the app "Simple Scrobbler" (on Android) since April and haven't missed a single scrobble!

Simple Scrobbler might be a workaround (and nothing more than that), but the Chromecast Audio is intended to be used stand-alone, without my smartphone. Therefore it would be nice, if the scrobbles would come from my chromecast or from some central place at spotify (similar to what was described before for rdio).

So all in all, I guess someone has to implement that properly. Pretty please with cherry on top, Spotify! 🙂

+1  Please implement this Spotify.  

As a side, has anybody tried this with deezer?

Never used Deezer but I can (unhelpfully) say that this worked with Rdio. RIP Rdio.

Just install for Android. While you listen via the chrome cast all your tracks will be scrobbled.

I'm sorry, but that's only a workaround and that is not how the Chromecast is supposed to be used.

Yes, you can control it from your smartphone, but the music is played stand-alone by the Chromecast, even if you turn off your phone. Therefore scrobbling from the CC or from a central place on a Spotify server would be the better option.

Connect has never scrobbled to and I imagine that a solution would be pretty difficult bearing in mind the range of relatively dumb devices with limited storage  supported.

I don't know what connect is, and I have an iPhone (this thread was just the most relevant thing I could find when I was looking for my answer) but if Rdio could scrobble with the Chromecast, so can Spotify.

Just because "connect has never scrobbled", doesn't mean that it can't be done.

We're not asking for something impossible here.


When a device such as the Chromecast can stream megabytes of audio and play them back, it can surely send a few bytes of metadata (essentially text) to

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