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Search terms with ASCII characters?

Search terms with ASCII characters?

I think this is a generic Spotify question, but as most of my listening is done on Android, here goes.  I've been trying to search for some folk music, using the search term "9/8 Marches".  Now, there certainly are tracks containing that string (I've starred a few of them), but I don't know how to include a slash symbol "/" in a Spotify search.  Even with quotation marks the search returns nothing - I suspect the Spotify search engine simply removes the slash and searches for "98 Marches" which returns nothing.


Any idea how I can search for "9/8 Marches" and include the slash in my search?



1 Reply

Searching for 9*8 Marches (replacing the slash with a wildcard) works in the desktop version for me, but I haven't tried this in the Android version.

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