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Tracks Skipping/Pausing on Android

Tracks Skipping/Pausing on Android

Hey all,


I have been ignoring this issue for about a month now hoping it would go away, but it hasn't, so here I am! I've been having issues with tracks skipping - like a CD player when you go over that huge bump in your old car. Not skipping whole tracks, but pausing for just long enough to throw off my grove. It seems to happen to most any song - sometimes I can get through one with no skips, and sometimes not. The skips don't even happen in the same spot every time - if I rewing back to before the skip, it will go past the last area it skipped without doing it again. It's frustrating because even downloaded playlists do this - so it's likely not a network/buffering issue. The issue is present on wwifi as well. My streaming quality is set to 'High' and my download quality is set to 'Extreme'.


So, tl;dr: Spotify tracks are skipping/pausing momentarily, randomly - even for downloaded playlists - on network and wifi.


Has anyone else experienced this?



Spotify Version:

Android Version: 4.4.2 KitKat

Phone: Samsung Galaxy S4

Network: T-Mobile

App+Data On SD Card

Happens on Bluetooth


Troubleshooting done:

1) Clear data, relogin, redownload songs (twice - one with the app change, then once more after)

2) Post on the forum asking for help 🙂

40 Replies

Are you using plugged-in phones or bluetooth? Music stored on an external SD card?

Ah, sorry - I knew I was forgetting some details. I'm using bluetooth. I'm going to try with headphones now to see if it happens that way too. I'm pretty sure it's not on the bluetooth receiver side, because the skip isn't a bluetooth blip - the music literally pauses on the phone for a fraction of a second, and starts up where it paused from instead of just cutting out and continuing unheard.


The music and app are both stored on my SD card.


Added this info to the OP.

No worries, just trying to reduce the variables. Let me know if it still happens with wired phones.


How did you move the spotify app to SD - are you running a rooted phone/custom ROM?

Actually, I don't think the app is on SD now that I look at the page.. the 'move to SD' was greyed out so I assumed that meant it was already there. This is stock. I ran rooted for a couple years before this so I guess I got used to being able to do that.

Sorry for the delay, but I can confirm this is happening with headphones too, albeit less commonly. Is anyone else experiencing this issue?

I've been scratching my head over this. You used the words "pause" and "skip". If the music is pausing, are you running any other app which can give audio notifications, even if these are turned off - I have in mind navigation software and suchlike?

I'm not running any, and nothing was triggering a notification at the time. The music definitely seems to pause. It's not skipping a portion of the music a-la bluetooth disconnect, it actualyl seems to hang for a quarter of a second, then start exactly where it hung.

Back to the drawing board. Maybe get in touch with support as a fresh pair of eyes can be good. If you get an automated response directing you back to the community or to the help pages, please reply to it to speed things along.

It's your cell service. If u loose signal even for a second it will pause for a couple seconds. This is really bad when u have only 1x. It constantly pauses. It's really irritating.

It would have to be a really crappy connection as the mobile app prefetches and caches the track you're listening to so as to smooth over connection glitches.

Yea... I live in the mountains. So yea. Really crappy connection. Ud be surprised how bad data connections can be. Especially in rural areas.

But you have mountains! I'd swap my connection for your mountains any day - no contest!

Definitely not the cell service - this happens on wifi too. I've tested at home, at work, and at a friend's.

Having the exact same problems.  It seems it started after the last update

Mine does the same crap. Didn't at first when I downloaded app. Now it will play one to two tracks that skips galore worse than your worse CD skip. Junk. I have 4 to 5 bars no other apps running .stop putting blame on us maybe the app is just crap .deleting it today!

Oh ya the commercial /advertisement don't skip a lick how convient. Next track starts playing good luck makes u just want to throw ur phone at the wall. Everybody thinks this new tech crap is all that . it crap all right. Gonna spin my vinyl today never fails plays every time all the time . viva analog

+1 to this. I'm also getting some weird quarter-second skips periodically when I'm listening on Bluetooth on a Nexus 5. Other times it will simply stop playing, and I have to press Play to get it playing again.


This has been the case with streaming and songs that are saved offline, so this has nothing to do with WiFi / Data exclusively.


I am also not running any apps that are interrupting the music with sounds or other music.


I'm not sure if it's just Spotify, of if there's something wrong with my Bluetooth connection in my car.

Same issue here.


Google Music is fine, but Spotify likes to skip songs.

Same issue. Spotify is now like a dirty old CD playing since the last update. Can we get part of our payment back since this is unreliable service?

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