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search function in android is measurably worse than ios or desktop

search function in android is measurably worse than ios or desktop

I have found that the search function in the android app is significantly worse than the search function in IOS. Let me give an example. I have a few giant offline playlists with lots of bands. When I am offline I want to search for music in that playlist. Just recently I wanted to listen to the band Chvrches in this manner. I have roughly 10 of their songs stored offline. Here are the results of the search terms I used:


Churches = no results

Chvrches = 1 song found (never ending circles) amoung 1 returned song

Chu = 1 song found (never ending circles) amoung hundreds of returned songs including song without chu in the name

Chv = 1 song found (never ending circles) amoung hundreds of returned songs including song without chu in the name



In other words, searching for the band name returned only 1 song for some unknown reason. But that search returned only 1 song total. Searching for partial words of the band retuned many many songs including some songs and bands that did not contain the letters searched for while only returning 1 chvrches song. 


I am not sure what the android app is doing differently for off-line searches, but it is far inferiour to the ios app which I used until recently. 

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