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A step backwards again


A step backwards again

Why must Spotify insist on ruining users experience, it should be an opt in for features type of thing. You used to be able to filter your liked songs by artist which I thought was cool then they removed that never to return. Then they added mood filters to your liked songs so you could listen by genre, again pretty useful only for them to remove it again. 

when will it end, ‘fixing’ things that don’t need fixing. 

4 Replies

Yeah they're trying to fix something that isn't broke

Being able to filter your songs by artist/genre/year etc should be basic on a music listened app. 

Absolutely! I was so excited to see there was another update after this unusable horror show of a new format forced onto me. It didn't change anything. 

It is so bad I contacted support because I thought something was wrong

It’s truly terrible.  VOTE WITH YOUR WALLET, people.  Don’t pay for this abomination.

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