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advanced search with space??


advanced search with space??

Has anyone used advanced "label search" recently?
I tried it according to this method:


I remember the same thing around 2019 was working flexibly, but it appears to be changing.


Following cases are about searching items with the label named

"© 2018 Yerevan Tapes".


With the query contains partial "label:Yerevan",

I got almost got the results I wanted.

(but contains "Yerevan records", "Yerevan music" and more like them. Which I didn't  mean to)


With the query complete "label:Yerevan Tapes" or "label:© 2018 Yerevan Tapes",

they showed an empty result.


I have tried several others and it seems to be due to including space.


I'm considering building a web app with scraping and I want the accurate results as possible.

If searching with the javascript and web api, a query with only a "label:" specification is considered blank request .

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