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Account Level Shuffle Defaults

Smart Shuffle is a plague, but if we had account-level toggles for the default shuffle mode based on content type, it would be less annoying. For example, for me, I generally listen to music in this way:


Albums - Don't Shuffle

Playlists by me - Shuffle

Playlists by other users - Shuffle

Playlists by Spotify - Smart Shuffle is fine, if you insist


Having this at an account level would mean we wouldn't NEED to toggle shuffle on or off when switching from playlists to albums, and reduce friction with the omnipresence of Smart Shuffle. 


But also please let us turn Smart Shuffle off at the account level. Thanks.

Updated on 2024-03-22

Hey @mschellemc,


Thanks for bringing your feedback to the Idea Exchange!


We're closing this idea since it doesn't meet one of our Idea Exchange guidelines, namely point 3: "One change request per Idea"


Feel free to submit your ideas again, making sure that it adheres to the above guidelines.


Thanks for understanding.

Status changed to: Closed - Doesn't Meet Requirements

Updated on 2024-03-22

Hey @mschellemc,


Thanks for bringing your feedback to the Idea Exchange!


We're closing this idea since it doesn't meet one of our Idea Exchange guidelines, namely point 3: "One change request per Idea"


Feel free to submit your ideas again, making sure that it adheres to the above guidelines.


Thanks for understanding.