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I can block Explicit music, but not AI music? Really?

Ok, some music is offensive.  And I get that in free-speech society, there needs to be room for allowing offensive content, but there should also be the ability to opt out of offensive content.


Why the **** can I not opt out of AI-generated "music?"  First off, it is really crappy, and when I sense it is playing, I have to--and I do--make the effort to skip it.  I don't want to listen to AI generators, they are not artists, and the people skimming money from the plays are simply awful.  AI music is offensive, so please create a clear and easy way to opt out.




Chris. (I'm a real human, one of the 8+ billion of us living today, one of the 117,000,000 of us that (according to science's best current evidence) have ever lived. AI will eventually do great things for humanity once we figure out how to harness it.  The printing press was invented in 1450, world literacy broke 50% sometime between 1960 and 1983, more than 500 years later.  Give AI some time to mature, so back off the down-your-throat push that Spotify, and many other companies, are embracing--you are a priori AI neophytes, and it shows.)

Updated on 2024-04-02

Hey @Chris_Kuala_Lumpur,


We’re closing this idea since it doesn’t meet one of our Idea Exchange guidelines, namely “Making sure your idea is clear”.


Are you referring to a specific feature you'd like to improve? Perhaps DJ or Smart Shuffle? The more detailed your feature request is, the better! It’s easier for other users to know what you’re suggesting so they can add their support and feedback.

It’s also easier for us to share updates and talk to the right teams at Spotify. Ideas without enough relevant details will be closed. We welcome you to submit a new one with more info.


Feel free to submit a new idea - just make sure to familiarize yourself with the above guidelines.



Status changed to: Closed - Doesn't Meet Requirements

Updated on 2024-04-02

Hey @Chris_Kuala_Lumpur,


We’re closing this idea since it doesn’t meet one of our Idea Exchange guidelines, namely “Making sure your idea is clear”.


Are you referring to a specific feature you'd like to improve? Perhaps DJ or Smart Shuffle? The more detailed your feature request is, the better! It’s easier for other users to know what you’re suggesting so they can add their support and feedback.

It’s also easier for us to share updates and talk to the right teams at Spotify. Ideas without enough relevant details will be closed. We welcome you to submit a new one with more info.


Feel free to submit a new idea - just make sure to familiarize yourself with the above guidelines.

