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Me parece de mal gusto esta mirando tendencias de reggeton o trap, siendo que en mi cuenta lo único que escucho es metal o rock, Entiendo para las personas que tienen este tipo de gustos y los respeto, pero me parece que debería ser según los gustos musicales. No me es nada grato tener que estar mirando sugeridos de música que no esta en mis preferencias y que no escucho.
Se que suena rebuscado pero, creo que seria lo mismo para los que gustan estos gustos ver portadas de HeavyMetal o GrindCore

I find it in bad taste to be looking at reggaeton or trap trends, considering that the only thing I listen to on my account is metal or rock, understanding the people who have these types of tastes and I respect them, but I think it should be based on musical tastes. I don't find it pleasant at all to have to be looking at suggestions for music that is not in my preferences and that I don't listen to.
I know it sounds far-fetched, but I think it would be the same for those who like these tastes to see HeavyMetal or GrindCore covers.

Updated on 2024-07-01

Hey @d4-moq5k_956u,

We’re closing this idea since it doesn’t meet one of our Idea Exchange guidelines, namely point 5:“Making sure your idea is clear.

At this point, we don’t have enough information regarding what you'd like to see implemented. Recommendations are already based on the music you listen to so what you've described is not specific enough as to how the functionality can be improved. Also be advised that any ideas need to be posted in English only.

Feel free to submit a new idea - just make sure to familiarize yourself with the above guidelines.

Thanks for understanding.

Status changed to: Closed - Doesn't Meet Requirements

Updated on 2024-07-01

Hey @d4-moq5k_956u,

We’re closing this idea since it doesn’t meet one of our Idea Exchange guidelines, namely point 5:“Making sure your idea is clear.

At this point, we don’t have enough information regarding what you'd like to see implemented. Recommendations are already based on the music you listen to so what you've described is not specific enough as to how the functionality can be improved. Also be advised that any ideas need to be posted in English only.

Feel free to submit a new idea - just make sure to familiarize yourself with the above guidelines.

Thanks for understanding.