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Step 1


Sustainable business model

Soon Spotify will have “audiobooks”. Remember when podcast appeared? after a few months the subscription price increased quite abruptly. And let me tell you what, it is going to happen again if the user cannot have control of the subscription model.

Instead of charging a quite high price for music+podcasts+audiobooks.

Allow users to decide what to pay for. Rather “podcast and audiobooks” as an add on, and too keep the business model stable if users want to only pay for MUSIC (that is why I actually pay for) can have a higher price but lower if you select the Spotify combo “music+podcasts” or “music+podcast+audiobooks”. 

Give back the choice to the users (us)

Updated on 2024-05-15

Hey @DiegoDuarte28,


Thanks for bringing your feedback to the Idea Exchange!


We’re closing this idea since it doesn’t meet one of our Idea Exchange guidelines, namely point 7: “No pricing, subscription or content related requests.”


Thanks for understanding.

Status changed to: Closed - Doesn't Meet Requirements

Updated on 2024-05-15

Hey @DiegoDuarte28,


Thanks for bringing your feedback to the Idea Exchange!


We’re closing this idea since it doesn’t meet one of our Idea Exchange guidelines, namely point 7: “No pricing, subscription or content related requests.”


Thanks for understanding.