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Track Recording Date

Please add the date a track was recorded, preferably by adding a column or, alternatively, by adding a "properties" or similar category to track right-click options.  Jazz and classical enthusiasts would find this particularly interesting and helpful, because a particular artist may have recorded different performances of the same piece at different stages of his/her career, and the information used to be available on vinyl LP covers.  


I'm not interested in CD/track issue dates of previously recorded material as the dates are irrelevant to the original recording date.


It's possible that jazz and classical enthusiasts, particular those of us old enough to have grown up with vinyl, are only a small proportion of Spotify's customers - but I hope there are enough of us to get this idea accepted.


Hey @david100


I have moved your suggestion to the ideas section. Our Idea Guardians will review your idea and see if it matches any already suggested ideas. If not, it will be live in the ideas section for other users to vote on. You can view the ideas process here.