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Artists Wanted

Artists Wanted Edition No 7 - The WINNER!


The voting for the fifth edition of Artists Wanted - Share your talent with the Community, has now ended and we have a winner!


First, the Community Music Chat Team would love to give a sincere thanks to all of the artists who submitted their song.

 Many thanks to:

@mohitvig@UndGndSupply, @laurentdemusic@FredNukes@gianflego@LaMartiMusic and @Jofuso 


You'll find all their submissions in this post.


The Community Music Team picked out three best songs for the Community-wide voting, and the details of how the votes ended up looking like can be seen below:



Now that the votes have been concluded, the Community Music Team is very pleased to announce the winner of the 5th edition of Artists Wanted - Share Your Talent with the Community.


Congratulations to Sorry, Peach, winning with their song "a lot less time"!


A blog dedicated to the winner will be published soon in the Community, so you get to learn more about this splendid indie pop artist hailing from Spartanburg, USA.


Once more, thank you for participating in the 7th edition of our Community project! Emerging artists of the Community, make sure to stay tuned for the 8th edition of Artists Wanted - Share Your Talent with the Community, which will be announced very soon!