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6 artists called Rasa sharing same page

6 artists called Rasa sharing same page

There's a Spotify page for a band called Rasa which includes releases from 5 other artists that share the name Rasa. 


The About tab attributes all the music to a duo comprising of Kim Waters and Hans Christian:

Their albums are "Devotion", "Union", "In Concert", "Shelter", "Temple of Love" and "Saffron Blue". They started recording in 2000. 


Then there are the following albums on the Spotify page: "Oasis", "Setting the Scene", "Creation", "Alive" and "Coming into Full Bloom". These are however by a Hare Krishna band headed by Robert Campagnola ( recorded between 1979 and 1982.


There is one album called "Flutes of Grace" recorded in 2010 which is by a French flutist called Rasa:


There is an album called "The I Project" (2014) which is heavy metal by Devanand Ramasandara.


Then there's an album made in 1999 called "Serene Timeless Joy" by an American composer Bill Laswell:


And lastly, an electronic dance single from 2015 called "Faded Lines". Don't know who's behind the music but most likely not any of the artists mentioned above. 

Maybe this page could be cleaned up?


1 Reply

Hey there @b3Xi,

thanks for the heads up!


If you feel there's any content problem you can always use this help page to report it.


Hope this helps 😃

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