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Chinese songs title suddenly translated to ENGLISH ??


Chinese songs title suddenly translated to ENGLISH ??

I listen to both English and Chinese songs and since last week I released that LOTS and LOTS of songs with chinese characters suddenly got replaced by English, either in PinYin or direct translation. Now most of the songs title are NOT RECOGNISABLE.


This happen and I believe could be due to following.


1) This is a translation algorithm within Spotify.

2) This is the metadata provided by the record company.


If it is (1), please fix it. If it is (2), don't Spotify have a policy to insist that metadata supplied by record owner MUST BE IN NATIVE LANGUAGE?


This is a deal breaker NOW after being a premium user for a long time and I really enjoy Spotify.


Attached a playlist of chinese songs curated by Spotify and the circled portions are example of  what happen since last week.












(iPhone 13 Pro Max, Samsung Tab S8)

Operating System

(iOS 15.5, Android 11)


My Question or Issue


Screenshot (21).png
252 Replies

Some of my chinese songs were translated to english and the english meaning is different from the actual chinese meaning. I am also having trouble finding songs because i only know the chinese name but not the english name. Please spotify you have to fix this and revert it back to the old. Why fix something that is not even broken?!?

Will move my family plan to apple music if this is not resolved in a month.

Sent them a message on twitter along with the link to this thread. No response yet

Exactly, same here!! Thanks for raising the issue. One main reasons I was drawn to Spotify was the ability to find the songs using the native language. But now a lot of Cantonese songs became unreadable pinyin/English, it almost makes it unusable. What we can do as users to let Spotify know?



I have been a long term subscriber but this is really a dealbreaker. Will definitely move to other competitors if this isn’t tackled promptly. 

The overlords have spoken. Let's see if they care enough about us.

Tell them!! I hope they change this and fast not only is it inconsiderate to the artists and native speakers it's not compatible with sites like lastfm 

Leaving a comment here until this is resolved... Truly a dealbreaker level issue

Ya, this is annoying as f. I cannot read pinyin quickly as I'm Cantonese and I am used to just reading Chinese words

Very annoying as majority of my cantonese/chinese/japanese songs have English titles now. Translation should be an option, not a thing that is enforced on everyone - some people are multilingual.

Same issue, I can’t search for my Chinese songs now and the translations dont make sense.

Same issue, why is this happening? Please fix it Spotify

same annoying issue happening on multiple devices: andriod 12, iOS 15.5, windows 10


this needs to be fixed asap

Not just the song names. Artist names are needlessly translated as well. 

This issue has been on for a while. It is just that recently Spotify decides to change the song names as well.

And it just becomes a pain in the ass to use. THE SONGS ARE UNRECOGNIZABLE.

It is understandable some people out there may need this kind of translation but it is clear that this is not an issue for the majority. 


Respect the culture. Respect the language.

Actually it makes it literally unreadable for me because I don't understand pinyin, but I guess to the people at Spotify pinyin is the same as Chinese characters.

same happening this week, 


please revert the change or give option to show Song Default Designated Title

This still doesn't work anyway, because it still displays as the English translation in the now playing bar, and also translates to English when you make your own playlists. It doesn't make sense to me at all!

they are doing this with so many foreign language songs and as someone who loves to explore music of other countries while also being interested in different languages it is very annoying. i would rather them change it back, it is so disrespectful to the song and lyrics to force it to be translated especially when there was no previous issue with them being untranslated!!! 



171 replies and no official response yet. I don't think they'll respond like this


It would help if everyone tweets about this with #spotifydisrespectsasianmusic

Atleast this way everyone would know about them neglecting the chinese and Japanese music fans and they would refrain from translating songs of every language to English. 

This post has nearly 200 likes and replies yet the only responses I've seen from Spotify have been completely useless. I've changed my language settings to Chinese anyways out of frustration but this isn't a permanent solution and is not feasible for those who enjoy the music but don't know the language. This change benefits nobody, and translating to English/pinyin doesn't help make the music more "accessible." Please don't let this thread die. It's saddening to see the song titles of artists I enjoy listening to being disrespected like this.

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