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Europa Hörspiele fehlen zu Hauf - ???, TKKG, Fünf Freunde

Europa Hörspiele fehlen zu Hauf - ???, TKKG, Fünf Freunde

Lamgsam reicht es echt.


Es verschwinden jetzt bereits seit Monaten Titel aus dem Katalog kurz nachdem sie erschienen sind.

das heißt man hat ca. 3 Tage Zeit sie zu hören und dann, puff, sind sie nicht mehr abspielbar.


Es kann nicht sein, dass weder der Support von Spotify noch der von Europa dazu ne Aussage treffen und die Verantwortung dauernd hin und her schieben.


Wenn Spotify sich weigert den Content auszuliefern, ist das ja okay. Aber dann sagt es öffentlich und versteckt euch nicht hinter Aussagen, die euren ZAHLENDEN! Kunden nicht weiterhelfen.

Macht es öffentlich und wir suchen uns nen anderen Anbieter, ist ja kein Problem.


Ansonsten: Lasst mal hören, was da los ist.


Und kommt mir bloß nicht mit "Verfügbarkeit kann von Lamd zu Land und Zeit zu Zeit variieren. Das hängt von den Rechteinhabern ab.", weil das nämlich ganz großer**bleep** ist.

Wenn dem so wäre, würdet ihr die Titel nicht erst veröffentlichen und dann wieder kassieren.


Also: Systemfehlermeldungen bitte und keine Ausreden mehr!

27 Replies

Hey @nousername422,


Thanks for posting.


We hope you don't mind us answering in English as this is the official language of the Community. We understand your frustration, as we would gladly offer all the worlds content to our users. It is however indeed the case that availability of content is not a one time switch that can be turned on or off, but rather the result of permanent negotiations with multiple parties in order to keep songs and podcast up on the platform. This means that at least some items will inevitably change availability for differing periods of time. We do however constantly try to expand our catalogue, so we'd recommend keeping an eye out for your favorite podcasts.


Thanks for understanding. The Community is here if you have any questions. 

Mihail Moderator
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I do not want a copy and paste answer.

I want real reasons why these tracks are missing. What is your problem with Europa? They are telling the people, they did nothing wrong and delivered all their content to Spotify "as usual". Yet there are a lot of NEW titles missing.

Why would Spotify or Europa release content for only two days and redraw it then?

And why is the same content still available on other platforms.

Why is nobody answering my question properly?

Why can't you just say: The tracks do not have the right length.

Or Europa does not want to accept the way track listens are counted.

Or we (Spotify) simply do as we please and leave the customer in the dark, just because we can.

**bleep** like this loses you customers or brings back piracy, because the big players might all behave similarly.

Hey @nousername422,


Thanks for the reply.


As @Mihail has said, it is not entirely up to Spotify to get content from creators on to the platform. Some creators and their labels do not want certain tracks/ albums/ books/ podcast episodes released on the platform in different regions or entirely. This can be due to copyright, political or other issues.


We don't have official information why these particular episodes have been withdrawn from the platform. Our content team does their best to make as much content from artists available for streaming, however that is not always possible.


Hope this clears things up. Don't hesitate to reach out again if you have questions.



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According to Europa:


The decision not to play affected audio books is up to Spotify. We have no information when the audio books will be available again. - translated from German by me


So Europa doesn't even know why. 


I also asked customer support directly, and got back the same general response that doesn't address the problem at all. The audio books are available on many other platforms that I'm probably not allowed to mention here. But that proves to me that the audio books are probably fine. Also why would they be listed first by Europa, then removed by Spotify if there were legal problems. Wouldn't Spotify remove the entire Europa catalog then? 


So once again, maybe someone can answer me these simple questions:


  1. Does Spotify know why the albums are missing?
  2. Is Spotify working on bringing them back?
  3. Can Spotify give a rough estimate of how long it will take to resolve the issue?

Because if not, then I have two reasons to jump ship:

  1. There are other music services (in fact most) that DO have the missing content from Europa
  2. There are other music services that at least try to figure out issues and don't just reply with generic text that doesn't even address the questions asked.


Then get in-official information, please.


Also I did explicitly say to not provide copy&paste answers.

That one looks exactly like that. It does also not bring any value to the discussion if you just re-phrase stuff, that was already said by your colleague.


Get the content team in here with some REAL information.

I would be interested to know why episodes 211 and 210 are missing.

Yesterday the episode 211 was still there and now no longer.

Thanks for starting this thread @nousername422 

I am also very disappointed with the answers provided. I also send a mail to customer support and didn't get any reply. What is going on Spotify?!?! 

Can it be that the tracks of the audiobooks are too short and these are played too often.

Short tracks and also means paying more money to the artists.

A little more transparency and openness would be nice.

Ich schließe mich der Bitte um ein Statement gern an. Es kann doch nicht wahr sein, dass die aktuellen Folgen alle verschwinden ohne die Kunden zu informieren was das Problem ist.

Wir denken darüber nach zu kündigen, weil nicht absehbar ist, ob es wieder aktuelle Folgen auf Spotify geben wird. Und EUROPA hat am 16.07. noch mal bestätigt, dass das Problem bei Spotify liegt und die Folgen sind ja auch für kurze Zeit online gewesen und dann verschwunden.

Holt euch bitte die Infos ran und spart euch Copy & Paste Antworten, wenn ihr nicht einmal wisst was "Die drei ???" sind.

Es gibt ein paar hunderttausend HörerInnen jeden Monat und die verdienen eine valide Aussage und Informationen.


Hey Spotify, Please finally bring clarity to this topic. I'm really annoyed and have no problem switching my music service if you leave customers so long in the dark.


I wanted to add, that for the two episodes for Die Drei ??? 210 an 211 the link to Spotify is still there on the product home page: (also see Attachment). When I click on the link Spotify opens showing the tracks greyed out and I get "Content not available" when I click on one of them. So it really looks like Europe still has the intention to have these two episodes available on your platform, the question is, why its greyed out?...


I've the same issue here with audio plays by Europa. Can't play them, even though I already downloaded the content. That's really annoying. Maybe we need some more user attention to get a more comprehensive response. 

The current situation is far from satisfactory. ☹️

Hello Spotify
Please put the new Europa episodes, especially the three question marks, back online permanently.

I look forward to the new episodes every time and am very annoyed now.

Many thanks

Thanks @nousername422 for starting this thread and for sending a request to Spotify. I am not surprised that you didn't receive a sufficient answer. I myself sent a query to Spotify about 2 weeks ago and haven't got an answer until today.

This whole situation makes my angry since I have the feeling I am paying money for a very lousy 'service'.

Due to that I will leave Spotify premium.

I hope that some pressure from us users will help Spotify figure out what a customer oriented service looks like...



is there any news about our concerns?



Hi there folks,


Thanks for your posts!


We understand your concerns with missing content from some of your favorite shows, however we cannot influence what content artists and creators add/ remove from Spotify. 


This depends entirely on the communication between the content label, copyright holders and the Spotify content team, who are always trying to make more songs and shows available for streaming. We recommend to check regularly for new updates, as you might see your favorite shows available in the future.



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If the episodes were removed by the artist, why are they still listed? The albums where available for a short period of time and then disappeared. Other albums of the same series are still there. Plus, the artist says, they didn't remove the episodes, as we already read quite a few times. I don't want to know about some mysterious content, that might come up some day. I don't want a list of reasons why content in general might be unavailable. I am aware of these myself. I am looking for episodes 210 and 211 of "Die drei ???". So can you finally tell us, why exactly these two albums are missing?

Always the same copy+paste answers. These german audiobooks are the main reason for our spotify family subscription.

Now that they are all gone (it is not only Sony/Europa, also the new Episoes from Kiddinx/R&B Jan Tenner are missing) I have to look after an alternative to spotify.

I'm really pi**** off because spotify removes all the stuff and the communication to the CUSTOMER is copy+paste.

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