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Spotify wake up or we move on

Spotify wake up or we move on

Beyonce's Lemonade, released on April 23, is not yet on Spotify (and probably will never be)
Radiohead's moon shaped pool out yesterday, unlikely to be on Spotify anytime soon
Drake' views out on April 29, not yet on Spotify
Even Gregory Porter's last album almost a week after its release is not yet available on Spotify

Please Spotify, convince me to be loyal and keep on paying premium subscription to you, and not move to tidal or Apple Music. It's now or never.

Your business model is showing serious cracks and if you don't do some serious changes asap I think your market position is going to be seriously affected
5 Replies

Hey @alessandrotrevi of course we would love to have all of those releases. 


We're working hard every day to get all of the world's music. Sometimes agreements can’t be reached with the artist or label or a change may happen in music ownership.

However, please know thousands of albums and artists are added to Spotify every day. If you can’t find an artist you’re looking for, they may appear (or reappear) soon.

In the meantime, feel free to contact the artist or their label to ask when they plan to be on Spotify. Thanks!

Ok. The thing is, when someone like Radiohead releases a new album, which happens once every five years, it should be in your interest to have it since day 1. Especially if your competitors (Tidal, Apple Music) do have it. Same for the likes of Drake, Beyonce etc. The alternative? You lose your customers. 

You might be interested in this Guardian article on how much Radiohead and Spotify need each other.

check out Rich McMichael single "No Chill" def. cool vibes

i totally agree with you. I am sick of waiting for the beyonce album to come out. i listen to music on the bus every day and if it doesnt come on soon i will be forced to go to tidal or deezer!!!

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