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Linux Spotify cache not following symbolic link to another drive but user data does.

Linux Spotify cache not following symbolic link to another drive but user data does.

Hello, I'm using on Ubuntu 16.04. I recently migrated to a SSD drive, and in an attempt to reduce writes I've started putting many temporary files in a RamDisk or mechanical drive for various programs to save writes and space.  I changed the "Cache" location  in settings to a seperate drive, but only some data gets stored there.  

~/.cache/spotify/Data works as expected, but ~/.cache/spotify/Browser/Cache still stores on my SSD. 

Not wanting that, I setup a symlink for Browser/Cache, but spotify reverets it to a directory each load.
Annoyed with that I modified permissions to prevent directory creation, but now no cache is being stored.  Not a big deal for me since I have fast tubes, but I'd rather there be a way to make it work while saving my SSD from writes (and saving space mainly.)

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