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How to find liked songs?

How to find liked songs?

How do I find the songs I have liked? When I have heard a song I've liked in Discover Weekly, I have clicked like, expecting to find a list of liked songs later. I see this question has been asked before, but I can't find an answer.

17 Replies

Hello @FKnoph,

Those likes and dislikes are to make the playlists more in your liking over time. Unfortunately, if you do not save the song onto a playlist or save to your songs library, and only like it is not saved anywhere in your profile.

The Discover Weekly playlist is a weekly roundup of songs we think you’ll love. Based on your listening history and that of other Spotify fans with similar tastes, it gets even better the more you use Spotify.

Discover Weekly automatically refreshes every Monday, so make sure you save anything you can’t get enough of before the next Monday!

Thanks for the reply!

I see your point, but it would still be nice to see a list of liked songs 🙂 I mean, it's there, so we just need a way to display it 🙂

Totally Agree with @FKnoph

There should be a playlist automatically created with all songs i liked or at least a place where i can see them and create the playlists manually. Just using the input for algo improvement is simply not good enough.



Poor response and solution!

If you LIKE the song and mark it, by clicking it on + (becomes green) though all your likes songs goes automatically to SONGS section in Your Library.



Except for the saved songs to Songs in Your Library, Spotify does actually create a playlist of all your liked songs in Playlists. Just look for Liked from Radio playlist.



That's just partly true. I do have the playlist "Liked from Radio" but the song i have just listened to and liked doesn't appear in said playlist. My "Liked from Radio" has 5 songs in it but not the most recent one. No idea why there are only 5 songs.

Not the preferred solution because it mixes all songs in your library but at least they're somewhere.


Well it works fine for me. I have all the songs I have given thumbs up and some are around 10 times in there. 


What do you mean by mixed?

You liked them in a different oreder so of course they will be just like when you liked them. If you want to sort them just move them to a new created playlist.

If all the liked songs only appear in Songs and not a dedicated playlists it mixes them with all the other songs i have added to my library. I sometimes add whole albums to my library for offline listening and when i go to songs it shows all the liked songs as well as all the songs i have added to my library.

The playlist I told you about is another kind of "liked" songs. When a playlist ends, Spotify works it magics and plays similar songs to the ones the playlist has and this time you can improve the songs you get by using Thumb Up or Thumb Down options. The Thumbed Up songs will go to your Liked From Radio playlist since what Spotify does is that creates a radio station for your playlist. 

While the songs you are talking are "saved" songs or albums, you can do so by tapping the + when you are playing it.

Hope I was clear.

I see what you mean. Only the songs suggested by Spotify at the end of a playlist are added to Liked from Radio when i click the heart button.


I have to adjust the way i like the songs. what i usually do while driving my car is listening to My Daily Mix and when i like a song i hit the heart button. That song is not added to this playlist but added to my library and only today i noticed the message at the bottom "Add it to a playlist too"


To my feeling there should be a playlist called Thumbs Up.

Maybe but since it is a Radio they did call it Liked from Radio.

While recently the Heart button sends the songs to Songs which is like the "save" option from Discover Weekly.

I do not see the problem with MIXES. Just go in SONGS section in the library and you can order songs by TITLE, ARTIST, ALBUM and even by added date. This action is done by clicking on the TITLE (for example) on computer. On mobile same function located on the top by "FILTER".


@rouvenkutter wrote:

Not the preferred solution because it mixes all songs in your library but at least they're somewhere.



@Loxer wrote:

Maybe but since it is a Radio they did call it Liked from Radio.

While recently the Heart button sends the songs to Songs which is like the "save" option from Discover Weekly.

Well, actually there is playlist called as "LIKED FROM RADIO". Check your songs in that playlist as well



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