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Lyrics feature unavailable


Lyrics feature unavailable

Hey Community!
Just a heads up that our Lyrics feature on desktop is currently unavailable as we're making some big improvements to the feature. We'll share more updates soon. 
We can also confirm our partnership with Musixmatch is ending. It was a great partnership and there is mutual respect between both companies as our business strategies move us each in different directions.
iOS users can get lyrics and annotations on some tracks via our partnership with Genius. Check out the info here
Please share any feedback you have here in the Community. Feel free to vote for this idea too. 
1,005 Replies

Not sure why someone accepted this as the answer, as it is commentary, not an actual answer.


Edit/Update: I just finished unsubscribing. Bye, bye, Spotify.

I was considering subscribing to Premium. But I don't see the point of paying for a service that removes such a key feature as the lyrics with no notice and no alternative. Spotify, you are losing customers, not only among existing users who are unsubscribing, but also potential new Premium users who changed their mind.

So when is the tentative date? I would like to know before I cancel.

Well.. I'm cancelling my Subscription until Lyrics comes back too,if they don't have somemthing by the end of June....I'm gone also!

Why not partner with 'crintsoft' they have a good lyrics data base.

Stupid noobs. We want lyrics back!!!!

Where the **bleep** did the lyrics feature go?????

Rorey Jones,


Hello. I was wondering if there is an estimation for how long it will take to have a new lyrics feature? This feature of Spotify is incredibly important to me.


I am sure the comments of other users have made you are aware of urgency to find a solution, so I will gladly spare you any rude comments or threats to cancel my subscription. Spotify is an essential part of my life and very dear to me.


I must recommend if any future problems similar to this should arise, there ought to be better communication of it. I noticed the lyrics feature was temporarily unavailable right away, but I am just finding out why that is today.I just waited patiently thinking my lyrics would come back and made sure there were no new updates. Maybe I need to immerse myself in the Spotify Community more, but a notification explaining the situation would have been very helpful. Perhaps the next big project after reestablishing the lyrics feature could be integrating the Spotify application with the Spotify Community website??


Thank you for taking the time to read this message. I do wish the best of luck in replacing the lyrics feature. Again, updates on this process or an estimated day to expect the new lyrics feature would be appreciated greatly! 🙂

Take care,



Same here! I do not want to cancel my subscription, but a little bit better communication with the users about decisions with this level of impact on the application would be so nice! And really appreciated. I hope what I have requested is possible.

Do you really want to hurt me
Do you really want to make me cry?

: ((((


Can we all stop complaining about these features? It's not the removal of these features that are the problem. We don't know the reasoning for these removals. Can we all just chill out for just a little bit? The ending of Spotify and Musixmatch's partnerships could have been something financial, change in policy, etc. Since we don't have the reasoning for all of this, maybe we should stop threatening to cancel our subscriptions and stuff like that. Do you have ANY idea how immature you sound?

Spotify is a company, a huge one at that. It's not an non-profit organization. Customers have the right to complain and they also have the right to cancel their subscriptions if the problems they face are not resolved in a timely fashion and move to a different service/provider if they so desire. this is how it works in life. value for money and all that.

now, I do feel like posting on these forums and tweeting spotify cares is the equivalent of howling at the moon really seeing as nobody cares as evidenced time and again, but at the same time it's not childish at all to speak with your wallet and give your money elsewhere when your needs are not met anymore. 

Hey slurpee_queen, before calling people who have the right to complain immature, don't you think that ending the Musixmatch partnership is something that they could have bothered to explain to their customers, instead of insulting their intelligence with "Humming is fun"? Complaining here means at least letting Spotify know that they have made a mistake in this case. So, please, let us complain, will you.  


@Slurpee_Queen wrote:
Can we all stop complaining about these features? It's not the removal of these features that are the problem. We don't know the reasoning for these removals. Can we all just chill out for just a little bit? The ending of Spotify and Musixmatch's partnerships could have been something financial, change in policy, etc. Since we don't have the reasoning for all of this, maybe we should stop threatening to cancel our subscriptions and stuff like that. Do you have ANY idea how immature you sound? long does it take ? Just signed up for premium and tired of looking for lyrics on Goolgle.

@Garyo_63 wrote: long does it take ? Just signed up for premium and tired of looking for lyrics on Goolgle.

Could be a few months at the very least.  At least lyrics will eventually come back whereas the desktop bell will NEVER return.

Desktop Bell ? Who cares about the desktop bell anyway ? Show me lyrics.

the same here.


i've just suscribed and i could only use this feature for 3-4 days... i'm going to cancel if it's not resolved quickly.

Not blaming you at all.It worked for the longest.

Nevermind the new,fancy 'Community' front page,how about working on gettin' them there Lirics...Huh?!

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