Help Wizard

Step 1


Problemas de Velocidad

Problemas de Velocidad







Operating System

Windows 10


My Question or Issue

 Buenas noches, me sucede que cuando se cambia de cancion automaticamente se me sube el LAG (ping, ms) en League of Legend o cualquier otra aplicacion, paso de tener 90ms a 300ms en normal en stream de 90 a 800... existira alguna solucion?

1 Reply

Hey @DJManolo,


Sorry for the delay. We hope you don't mind us answering in English.


We first suggest that you go to your account page and remove all your offline devices under the option Offline Devices. This means that you'll have to download any music you've saved for offline listening again. 


If that doesn't work, go to your Settings in the app, scroll down to Advanced settings and at the bottom, disable Hardware Accelerator. 


If that doesn't help either, we suggest that you reinstall the app with these steps.


Let us know how it goes 🙂


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