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block artist


block artist


I have seen this question around and spotify bounces it back. However, I pay money each month and get really annoyed when some typical worthless artists as coinye west or any pop up. This annoys me very much i.e. when I'm driving in my car. I really would like to have the possibility to block artist who really annoy me. Why won't you enable this? It seems there is massive support for this option. Please, supply and demand, this is how the market works.




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Hey there @jjhjespers

thanks for posting !


The feature of "blocking" an artist exsists already and it's called "Don't play this artist".


However, this feature is implemented for iOS users only at the moment so if you're an Apple user you'll be able to visit an artist page, click on the 3 dots and find the feature there.


If you're an Android user, please make sure to add your +VOTE to this live idea.


Hope this helps 🙂

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19 Replies
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Hey there @jjhjespers

thanks for posting !


The feature of "blocking" an artist exsists already and it's called "Don't play this artist".


However, this feature is implemented for iOS users only at the moment so if you're an Apple user you'll be able to visit an artist page, click on the 3 dots and find the feature there.


If you're an Android user, please make sure to add your +VOTE to this live idea.


Hope this helps 🙂

Thanks a lot, I am a windows 10 and android user. Would be really appreciated (I also hear that from friends) if this option gets in.

I'm also looking for this feature on Windows 10.
At the moment I'm doing that through my Android, but it would be easier if also available on W10.


Not sure when they added it to Android, but it is there now.  You do a search for the artist, and click on the 3 dots near their name. Check the option "don't play this". I had to go through and get rid of quite a few that I just cannot stand.  Made my auto generated playlists so much much better.


I could not find it in the Windows website or the desktop program, but the Android app does not have this feature.



Found it on Android and also blocked Rush because they are just so, so terrible.

It's July 2020.


This option still doesn't appear in the Windows 10 app, nor on the web player.


It's a bit nuts that I have to use my Android phone to block music playing on my PC. Which is where 99% of my Spotify usage is done.

I just downloaded spotify today and I got the same problem lol, looks like im gonna have to go block them on my phone i coulnt block them on my pc

Hôm nay, ngày 07/08/2020,

ứng dụng mới nhất trên iOS,

không hiển thị phần header khi xem thông tin nghệ sĩ.


Không block được nghệ sĩ


Ứng dụng spotify là ứng dụng tệ-hại nhất về trải nghiệm người dùng.


Sai lầm khi mua hai gói Premium cho bản thân và người thân.

Hey @tuanagileviet,

Thanks posting here in the Community! We'll gladly help you out.


We hope you don't mind us answering in English, as this is the official language of the Community.


The option to block an artist from playing is now available on all mobile devices. To do this, click on the three dots in the upper right corner on the artist page and select Don't play this. The change will affect your account across all devices and you can turn it off at any time via the same menu. If the option is missing, it's possible that some of the apps files have become corrupted. It this case it's a good idea to perform a clean reinstall, so that all app files get built up anew.

As to the header on the artist page, keep in mind that it's displayed only on the desktop app and in the web player. If you'd like this feature introduced also for mobile devices, you can post an idea about it. The Idea Exchange is a great way for us to keep track of what changes our users are interested in and how popular a certain idea is. This page explains how exactly your feedback reaches Spotify.

Hope you find this useful. Keep us posted if you have any questions.

Mihail Moderator
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When will be this option available on the web player or desktop app for the ones who don't listen to Spotify on our phones?

Probably somewhere in 2079.

Hi @Mihail!
I chose "Don't play this game".
But mobile apps, desktop apps (Windows / macOS) always play the blocked artist.


Not solved at all, when it is only available for a single OS 😞
Why should we pay for musik we dislike??

Haha, also Googled this because a Kanye West song started to play.

Progress has been made.  They added the block song/block artist to Android a while back.  It is now on Windows as well.  It seems to come and go on the menu, but is mostly there...  




Hello All,

There are some songs in this world that bring me to vomit.
How can i Block them, so that I can enjoy new music and listen to playlists that i dont know without getting aggressive of bad songs. 
When its possible to hear the music I like, it has to be possible to avoid music I dont like, i dont always want to skip the same songs again again again... and get into a bad mood and have to listen to my own playlists, with the same songs i already listened a million times just to calm down. Spotify should be there to enjoy new music, not to get annoyed be the same bad songs I already know that I dont want to hear. 

Thank you in advance for making my life better!

@1337-tobi wrote:

Hello All,

There are some songs in this world that bring me to vomit.
How can i Block them...


Yeah... good luck.  Currently there is no way to block a song or an artist.  The option comes and goes - usually it is not there.  Spotify has the worst interface and a total lack of settings.  I wish there was a viable alternative where I live. 

Clicking on the three dots to remove from playlist doesn't work. I've stopped the follow of a podcast but it still appears on Windows 'Good Morning' with a blue dot indicated it's been updated. I've pressed the recently played and it doesn't disappear it from the home screen making it a sticky suggestion back at me to see first off each opening on every gadget I have. 

Is there at least a REST-Api Call to block an Song/Artist?

Then some of us would be able to to the job themself 😡

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