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[All Platforms] Album Art for each Track in a playlist

View as Album List was a great feature. Based on comments I have seen on other forums, I am not the only one who thinks so. Please restore this feature.



1) Images are much easier to see than text. I have reached the age of reading glasses. Before this feature was removed, I could easily find songs / albums in playlists. Now I have to find my glasses beforehand!


2) Images are much more compelling and attractive than text. A picture tells a thousand words etc. The whole look and feel of Spotify is enhanced through the use of album images. Removing them seems like going against good user experience practice.


3) Nostalgia. Although I love Spotify and I firmly believe that subscription is the future of music, I still feel some nostalgia for "possessing" a collection of albums. Displaying album covers reinforces the feeling of having a collection of albums in a playlist.


Note that all three arguments apply equally to desktop and iPad versions of Spotify.


November 2013: Response to the comments from Spotify...

- There is no need for a cmd+G control. All playlists should always display the album cover.

- The Collections product was announced almost a year ago but there is no sign of it.

- A Collections product that simply displays the thousands of albums that I have ever listened to is not a viable solution in my opinion. I would need multiple collections (i.e.. playlists).



I have created a new idea requesting cover art on your music (and playlists). Please give it your kudos.


July 2015

I note that Apple Music displays album art on playlists on all platforms.


Apple Music.png

Updated on 2021-06-24

Hey folks,


Thanks for coming to the Spotify Idea Exchange and voting to make this happen.


We're happy to announce that this is now available on Android, iOS and Desktop. 


Once again, thanks for helping us make Spotify better, by participating here on the Community.


Yes, please right now! Your response is two years old. 


This is something I would really love to see. Many of us won't remember the name of that song but have a clear idea what the cover art was like. It shouldn't be mandatory but as an option, especially for mobile since it could create a raise on cellular data usage. Please reconsider this one. It's a small but significant one for people that are more visual learners. 


Hi Lamina9, all who commented to this idea...


I've been a long time subscriber of Deezer and I recently switched to Spotify as my car has a built-in Spotify app.


How very disappointing indeed to read that after so much time gone by, this idea has been put to "Not right now" - as it's a good idea on many levels (I won't repeat all that's been commented already) and should be quite easy to implement.


As someone else commented, I too have a 5-year old daughter who can't yet read but who loves to listen to music. She loves browsing through various playlists and put on the songs she likes. And although she can't read, she'll be like: "Dad, I want to listen to the blue song". She then means "Perfect" by Ed Sheeran.

The other day my daughter again asked to put on some song so I gave her my phone. She looked at me, puzzled as she could not find her song due to a lack of album art in the playlists. I completely understand and so I figured: let's find where suggestions can be logged so this simple feature can be added. Which brought me here...


I am so dissappointed by the response of the folks at Spotify that I will not be renewing my subscription next month. I'm glad I did not yet get around to canceling my Deezer subscription...


Absurd as it may seem to many people (which I understand): for my daughter, this is a deal breaker...




I've been evaluating Amazon Music side by side with Spotify in deciding which to keep after the 1 month trial. I have to say you guys win as far as making it easy to find other music you may like. Your search features and suggestions are amazing.


However, Amazon Music has a much slicker UI. I feel the main reason for this is the display of album art for individual tracks whenever possible. I find it nearly impossible to manage large queus and playlists without it.


That alone doesn't disqualify Spotify, but I have concerns that you aren't listening to your user base when I see a thread as old and as large as this. Why haven't you made this a priority in the almost 6 years since this was requested (and apparently you had the feature at one point!)




'Not Right Now' ... Spotify says.


But on some of his own lists, 'Yes Right Now.'


Because, really, Spotify knows that it's a good idea. The arrogance and fatigue of the customers will take its toll, sooner or later.




Google music also has album art per track in playlists. Also, their android app is a little more user friendly. Google music subscription comes with addless youtube too. Goodbye spotify...


Hi Spotify! 
After some months of regular usage, I can draw that conlusion without a doubt:  That visual feature is really missing. Really.
In order to easily find back some tracks that you've once set in your playlists.
Album art, even with small icons,  act like anchors,  visual signals that you can quickly and directly recognize and spot, while parsing your playlist.
Especially handy when you don't remember well enough the name of an artist or track name that you've really liked and want to listen to ... right now.  Visual way is probably the most efficient way out for that frequent need.
No doubt that I, like many other users, remember much much more easily the images of album arts than tracks names...
Spotify User experience would upgrade to a next level with that simple but lacking add-on. 
By the way, another argument is, many players of thecompetion outside have that feature built-in already...(maybe for some good reason 😉 )  Once you've tasted it, it's hard to forget it. That means there's a value add.
Is such featute that costly to implement? Of course that would take a bit more space for downloads, but ... in which extends?  If really that question is a neck breaker then why not exposing it as an option in user preferences?   (de)activating Album art in my playlists.
Thanks for reconsidering that need.
Stephane A


I have over 3500 songs in my library. A large portion of them I cannot remember the name, but can see the album artwork vivdly in my mind. It was trivial before the update to find these tracks, but now is virtually impossible, and extremely depressing.


I'm not asking for this update to be reverted, I can live with change, but at least compensate for the issues it creates. If I could simply view playlists as album art (Which I've always preferred anyway), this would be even better than before the update.


Honestly well said, I couldn't agree more!


I can't believe this was suggested so many years ago and hasn't been yet implemented.


Images are more memorable than names, and in the age of saving individual songs instead of albums it's impossible to know the names of the artists or songs you have as they are hundreds.


I recognize many songs by their album art, so having a column with small thumbnails would make it easier to search for them instead of playing a whole playlist song by song.