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[All Platforms] Bookmark Position in an Audiobook or Podcast

Hey there,

Now that Spotify have added a bunch of Audiobooks and Podcasts, I think it would be a nice idea to have the option to:
Pause your audiobook/podcast > go back to listening to music > and then be able to get back to your book/podcast and pick up where you left of, without having to memorize the time that you paused.

What do you think?


Have a good enough day!

< moderator edits >

Updated on 2018-10-15

Hey everyone,

Thanks for coming to the Community.

We're setting this one to implemented.
Although there's not a specific 'bookmarking' feature, Spotify does now keep track of where you left off in a podcast, and store that progress for you across your devices and sessions.

If you'd like to see the same behaviour for audio books, we'd recommend making a new Community Idea for this. In the meantime, we've passed all of your feedback along to the right teams.



I had the same idea and hope that Spotify can implement this in the near future, it really would be a benefit to all fans of audiobooks. And to my knowledge Apple Music does not have a function like this, so there you go :).


Please add the bookmark-function! It would be so helpful - especially when listening to audiobooks!





PLEAAAASE make this happen, it's 2017 and "NOT RIGHT NOW" was two years ago - now is the time!;) Pleaseeee it should be easy to implement you literally have the function already for podcasts.


Bookmarks for audio books would be nice and there are a lot of people out there with the same wish.






I had the same problem. I liked to bookmark Spotify tracks and audiobooks with time position.

Cause Spotify did not response to our need i developed a small web app which solves the problem and I like to share with you my solution.




Bookmarks for Spotify uses the Spotify API to load your current and your recently played tracks.

You can bookmark tracks and later later trigger your Spotify App to play them again.

If you bookmark a current track with time position, it will seek to that position on play.


Hope it helps you as well 


best Nils


Recently Played and Current TrackRecently Played and Current Track  BookmarksBookmarks


Need the bookmarks desperately!


Kudos to Nils for his solution! I think Spotify should implement this asap, after all, Spotify wishes to remain the leading audio streaming service I suppose....


There is a 90 day free trial for tidal atm. just food for thought. 😃


Do it now. Remembering the last position of each playlist.


Any update on this?

This is a really needed feature und would make audiobooks on Spotify actually useable