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Canadian Student Discount

I understand Spotify is not entirely in Canada yet, but when it is, it would be great to receive a student discount like the US students.
It's been marked as a "Good idea" since July 2015. Five months later and there's been no update or sign of progress. Other than a lack of transparency on the matter, what is being done about this? Can we get a sign?

Cmon Spotify, get a hint and add Canadians to this amazing offer as I find it hard to justify going $10/month on a student budget.


I would also like a student discount. Please make this happen, Spotify!

Let's try reaching 300 kudos! After that they better say something else I'll be mad.

We want the spotify discount for students in Canada!

Lets a get a student discount AND a shuffle that works properly to justify paying any amount of money for this service!
Discounts in canada please

I agree students' in Canada need discounts too!


Didn't even know the American side had a student discount. Would be awesome to get it here in Canada too! I know a lot of people who would make the switch to premium if they were able to get the discount with their student number.


+1 for student prices in Canada! It's almost evil to ask us $10 a month for music when you offer $5 for the Americans. I wish we had that much money to splurge, but alas...