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[Desktop][Other] "Don't play this artist" on desktop

I would like the option to permanently dislike a featured artist like on mobile that I can choose for "Don't play this artist"

e.g for several weeks now various artists and gamechops have appeared in my release calendar. I have absolutely no interest in this band


But I dont have the option to remove the featured artist, which just means the following week a new artist pop ups with gamechops as featured and I have no way to prevent this.

I have event tried blocking gamechops on android but makes no difference




Updated on 2024-08-21

Hi everyone,


Great news! We're excited to announce that the feature is now also available on the desktop app and the Web Player 😎


If you don't want the app to play a specific artist, you can click the three dots menu of their artist page and select Don't play this artist. The next time a song of theirs comes up, it will automatically be skipped 👍



If you ever change your mind, you can undo the changes at any time by selecting Allow this artist to play instead.



Thank you for for making Spotify better! Your passion and feedback are greatly appreciated 💚


There are other posts related to dismissing recommendations on this community. I’d love to know Spotify’s reasoning as to why this isn’t an option for paying customers. I can only assume these artists are paying to be featured. That doesn’t negate the need to allow listeners to actively dismiss content that isn’t relevant though. 


Das unterstütze ich 

Status changed to: Up for Votes

Updated on 2020-09-10

Hello and thanks for bringing your feedback to the Idea Exchange. We've marked this as a new idea.
Spotify Staff will look into this idea once it reaches the necessary amount of votes.


We've made some changes on the title and body to make the idea more clear for other users.

More information about how the Spotify Idea Exchange works can be found here.


I don't understand why Spotify still promotes and supports artists who have committed horrific acts of violence or have s*xually abused children.  Yes I'm talking about Chris Brown and 6ix9ine.  If Spotify wants to profit off of these vile, morally bankrupt sadists, the very least they could do is allow people to block them so that they don't unintentionally stream their music, which determines how much they get paid by Spotify.  Spotify makes this really easy to do by promoting their music and putting it on their most popular playlists.


P.S. If you think their crimes are worthy of shrugging off, I strongly urge you to look up and read the police reports and court findings.  I assure you it is way worse than what the overall media perception of the incidents is.


P.S.S. Imagine being b**ten to the point where you think you may not survive or getting innocence stolen from you as a child and then you see the person who did this to you continue to be upheld by society and become more and more successful even when the world knows what they did.  In this world where everyone seems so sensitive and easily offended, how is this happening?


Anyways, thanks for coming to my Ted Talk and Spotify, please add the block artists feature to desktop. 


You can block artists via the mobile app - so blocking the likes of the artists you mentioned is possible, should you not wish to listen to them (or have them paid royalties). However, why it isn't possible to perform the same action on the desktop app confuses me.


Hi hezorg 

I'm not sure the changes you made to my post reflect my intended message.

I was originally requesting the option to dislike the featured artists in the discover weekly/release radar"-section, not the main artist.

However if the block artist feature will ensure that the blocked artist does not appear as neither main- or featured artist, I will consider my initial request fulfilled.


I use the macos spotify client and if you want to keep getting my money, you need to implement this feature immediately. I have lost count the number of times I have opened spotify, listened to one or two tracks and then some stupid artist gets recommended and starts playing and I just close the damn thing and go back to itunes or youtube. Why I am wasting money on this?


I need the ability to permanently block artists and individual tracks; even if those artists and tracks are in lists that I'm following.


How this wasn't one of the first 10 bits of functionality written into the app is beyond me. How this still hasn't been written is staggering.


This is a deal breaker.


I have deleted an artist from "Delete from recently played" (I accidentally clicked a song from an artist I cannot stand) but it does not get deleted from home page. I have listened to dozens of artists and hundreds of songs since that, yet still this one keeps staying on my home page. On mobile I did get rid of him but not on laptop.  It is a bug and not a development idea, but I got the advice of listing/supporting it here. This is a deal breaker for me.


I now have the opposite issue - I blocked an artist on my mobile some time ago, but now I'm sitting at my desktop and I'd like to listen to just one song by this artist.


A banner appears on the desktop app stating:

"We can't play this until you allow this artist in the Spotify phone app." 


Surely there are two product fixes here, which Spotify could implement to make the customer experience smoother:

1)  Allow customers to unblock/block artists via the desktop app.

2) Enable "allow this song to play" button which customers can press when required to allow certain songs to play, without overriding the master block of an artist.






This is gonna make me stop using Spotify eventually. The same annoying song has been auto-playing after my playlists finish. It happens *all* the time with a few different songs I absolutely detest. I can't believe this feature is not a thing on desktop. Boggles my mind.


The fact that it exists on mobile and Spotify is just brushing off Desktop users makes me even more mad. Today I was *this* close to uninstalling Spotify and moving back to my MP3 library until I can find a proper music streaming service. Ugh. I don't want to listen to these horrible songs anymore.