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Discount Family Subscriptions!

Before I made the switch from Rdio to Spotify they (Rdio) came up with a pricing model that allowed families to purchase a slightly discounted subscription.  


$9.99 for single unlimited user

$17.99 for 2 family members (20% discount)

$22.99 for 3 family members (50% discount)


Would love to see a similar pricing model so the rest of the family could get in on the action!

Updated: 2015-04-23

Hey folks! We've introduced Spotify Family. With Premium for Family, you and up to 5 members of the same household can each enjoy their own Premium account. All for one discounted price of $14.99.

Thanks for your kudos in the Community--we want your feedback.


Yes please, as it is rediculious to have (in my case) 4 Spotify accounts within the same family, living all at the same location. Thanks!


At least in Sweden this could be done by checking the "folkbokföringsregister" if the persons wanting family accounts actually live in the same address. I suspect there is something similar in other countries as well. 


If this feature existed we would immidiately get one more account here!


if implemented well, Spotify and rights holders get better information as well because individuals that are younger family members will have their own tastes (lol, typed testes first) and playlists configured.  As they grow older, their account can leave a family discount structure.


I've just discovered this very same problem tonight with my iPhone, my wife's iPhone, and daughters laptop on my 48 hour free trial.


Personally, I'm not prepared to sign up myself for 9.99, and leave my wife and daughter out in the cold. A family subscription is exactly what I'm after if you decide to offer the package. Until then I'll be looking for somewhere that does offer this package, so please please please decide quickly. 😉 


I just signed up for the 30 day trial, and I will not be continuing after the trial because of this. This is a big deal.


I have Pandora ($36 per year) and Netflix ($8 per month) and both services allow you to play content from multiple devices. My wife and I share our Pandora and Netflix accounts. If Netflix did this I wouldn't be thrilled, but I don't watch videos at work. Music is essential at work!


$10 per month is already a little pricy. I know there are some people that would dissagree - those who buy an album every week/month - but not everyone's buying habbits are the same. But considering my next best option is Pandora (my only frustration is limited skips per hour), $10 isn't too bad.


Between my wife and I, I will not spend more than $10 per month. Why should I be forced to pay double for a second account when other services like Pandora and Netflix allow me to simultaneously use the same account on multiple devices? Besides, we don't listen to music 24/7. A little overlap should be ok.


Just to put this into perspective, this is the cost per year:


Pandora - $36 per year

Netflix - $96 per year

Spotify Premium (1 person) - $120 per year

Spotify Premium (1 person + spouse) - $240 per year

Spotify Unlimited (1 person) - $60 per year


So I'd essentially have to pay $204 more per year verses Pandora just for my wife and I. Just for one person it's already $84 more per year. Just to silence the ads it's almost double what Pandora costs with no mobile access to the Spotofy library.


The only way I could maintain a Spotify subscription, at a minimum, is if you could have 2 simultaneous sessions. 


(I really wish the subscription model was simpler like Pandora. With Pandora you get everything for free with ads. You pay for the subscription to get rid of ads. I think you guys would make a killing if you combined Unlimited and Premium into a single subscription at $8 per month w/ up to 2 simultaneous sessions, and $2 per additional session.)


Our family has become total Spotify converts. My wife and two daughters (ages 8 and 6) all love Spotify and have their own Apple devices. We are also enabling our wifi stereo system to connect to Spotify. We would pay a bit more if we could have 1 account and be allowed play on multiple devices simultaneously. I do not think that feature is worth signing up for 4 separate premium accounts. Hope this is added soon.


Just another +1 to this topic. Rdio has had this option for some time now.


I was extremely excited by the premium experience on mobile.  I like to own the music, but saw $10 for the sub as a fair value, equating it to one CD per month across the members of my family.  Finding out that the 'purchase' can't be shared with my family quickly changes the price equvelant to one CD per person per month.  Making those purchases on iTunes or Amazon and sharing them with my family then becomes the cheaper option.


I pay a bit more to satellite TV for each television that I hook up to my service, but I'm not paying for a whole new subscription!  I pay for a sub and tell them how many devices I need to operate, then the content that I pay for is available on those devices.  Expecting a whole new content subscription just blew the deal for me.  I will continue to use the free version on the computer because Spotify is a great service, but will be returning to iTunes and Pandora for my (and my family's) mobile listening.


Actually the Satrellite system comes with 2 devices by default.   Oh, and now I can hook my dish up to two devices, and also be able to stream on-demand shows to my mobile devices.   This is such a simple concept, and Spotify has been "considering it" for a couple of years now?  

I call B.S.    They aren't considering it, they aren't going to implement it, and they'll gladly keep taking money for the multiple subscriptions per family.  I'll keep my one subscription, but my wife and daughter are screwed until Spotify offers a family plan.


The lack of multi-device sign in is really the deciding factor in me signing up for a paid spotify subscription.  Please fix this and you will gain many more satisfied customers!  As other users have pointed out other services; hulu, netflix, rhapsody, ect allow for multidevice sign in and play back without an increase in subscriptoin fees.