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Displaying album credits

I understand that including all album artwork is considered a premium feature, but at the same time, all people who participated in the making of an album should be credited for their work. Musicians, composers, producers, engineers and everybody involved - plus all the "special thanks" - people, deserve to be credited.


This could be implemented by simply displaying the album credits in text form, along with the original front album cover and tracklist. No lyrics, pictures or bonus features, just the credits. Not linking, but displaying the credits along with the album front cover + tracklist by default, in all versions of Spotify. The complete album artwork could still be a Spotify Premium-feature, with this approach.


This is not a feature for the listener - most people don't care much about songwriters or who plays bass on track five of this album, but from the perspective of the music creators, this is very important - their (ok, our) careers depend on these little things. Being associated with the music you've recorded (or written, engineered for et c) is still a very important part of building a career in this business.

Updated on 2018-02-05

Hey folks! We’re very excited to announce the launch of the first iteration of Spotify’s new songwriter credits feature.

Spotify users around the world can now view songwriter and producer credits for tracks on the desktop platform and on iOS. 

On desktop, simply right-click on a track and select “Show Credits” from the menu of options to view information on performers, songwriters and producers.


To read more about the information we're sharing please click here.

song writer credits.jpg


Wow, thanks! Spotify, I may be leaving you very soon!

Why didn't Spotify do this? I happen to like certain producers a lot but it is insanely difficult to follow producers since there is so little information about who worked on a specific song. This is especially true in the Christian music industry. But in general it is next to impossible to find this stuff out for anything other than popular songs. And this is just for producers. If you want to know who played the bass or acoustic guitar, forget about it! You'll never discover it unless you physically buy copies of every song in existence.

Why do you think Spotify pay so little attention to the people who pay the bills - us.

I wouldn't say they pay little attention to us. They have actually implemented 112 of our ideas thus far. They also have pushed other forward to be chosen. The problem is that Spotify is losing money, quickly. Like, some people are talking about the possibility of Spotify bankrupting in a couple years. If that happens I'm really hoping that Deezer gets their stuff together so that I can switch over to them. The main reason I use Spotify is for the social aspects and the discovery aspects (in addition to listening to music, of course, but you can listen to music one so many platforms these days).


Imagine an integration with a service like Discogs. It would enable some incredible curation possibilties. Such as playlists for producers, recording studios, session musicians etc. It would add so much more depth to the platform - showing the people behind the music!


This is such a great idea! Should definitely be implemented ASAP

Don't worry by Spotify. We pay for it so we can ask for this feature. Even ir they offered it for a extra fee i'm sure many of us would pay it. Without going further Wikipedia has all the necessary metadata in its databases so a simple interface with a cheap extra fee would be very helpful for Wikipedia, for Spotify, for writters, producers, musician and engineers and of course, TO US!

Don't worry by Spotify. We pay for it so we can ask for this feature. Even ir they offered it for a extra fee i'm sure many of us would pay it. Without going further Wikipedia has all the necessary metadata in its databases so a simple interface with a cheap extra fee would be very helpful for Wikipedia, for Spotify, for writters, producers, musician and engineers and of course, TO US!