
Help Wizard

Step 1


Implement a Recycle Bin / Deleted Items / Trash Can - easy recovery for deleted playlists

Have you ever had a situation that you have accidently deleted your playlist(s)?


If you have, you know how frustrating it is to start asking for recovery by the staff or

try to remember what songs were in the playlist you just deleted.


I'd like to see an implementation of a :


- Recycle Bin

- Trash Can

- Deleted Items


tyme of folder where all deleted playlists would go to and it would allow the user to restore the selected items

easilly for 7 days for example, and then after 7 days they would be removed - possibly still allowing the staff to restore

them after that.



This feature would help out when you delete a playlist in a rush and then notice it when you need it.

You would get it back ASAP without having to worry if someone at Spotify staff is awake and can help out.


my 2 cents.


PS. If it's possible to implement it to other items too (such as Songs).

This has been implemented! You'll find more info here.


lol I'm just saying there are more and more accidents every day. I keep seeing them! 


> Sometimes you accidentally delete a playlist and think to yourself: "OH NO!" I'll never get it back!"


The desktop app does have an "Undo" feature, like most applications. You can Ctrl+Z (mac: Cmd+Z) back through most actions. Just make sure that you have the relevant pane (left column / display) in focus when you are undoing.


> Sometimes you login and all of your playlists somehow got deleted and you think to yourself: "OH NO!" I'll never get it back!"


This is pretty rare. In these cases, the back end would actually have your playlists, so being able to manipulate them, wouldn't solve the problem of a sync issue to the client in question. It is vanishly rare for playlists to actually be permanently lost.


That said, it would be nice to have a playlist history feature somewhere.


> I think a nice way to realize that feature would be a trash system


And that too. Was thinking about that yesterday. In fact, it would be OK even if the data were only kept locally (that solution would be a lot easier to implement, I reckon).


Well, sometimes the playlist is accidentally deleted from mobile by touching the wrong thing. There really isn't a way to undo things from the mobile apps. I have never had a problem like this, but some have.

With the number of "I seem to have deleted my playlist(s)" threads on here, this is needed!


I'm seeing at least 5 new threads asking for playlist recovery help every single day! 




This would help out and get stuff restored faster.


+1 for this idea. 

Definitely a needed feature even just to save he forum moderators time restoring playlists.


thaat's whaat we call a great ideaa, aand thanks for all 

Status changed to: Good idea, vote for it
Since this is certainly not a 'New Idea' any more, we're bumping it up to a new status. Feel free to keep voting it up. We'll let you know if we hear back with any further news or developments on this.