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[Mobile] Lyrics on Mobile

Hi there!


It would be nice if i could see the lyrics at the same time or the least have some sort of access to it.Smiley Happy

Updated on 2021-11-18

Hey folks,


Thanks for your feedback on the Lyrics feature. We’ve heard you and we’re happy to announce Lyrics are here!


You can find Lyrics on Free and Premium for users across iOS and Android devices, desktop, gaming consoles, and TV.

To learn more about the roll out and how to access lyrics, view this announcement.



Maybe try to log out then loging back in

Hi, I can't see any lyrics an my app with my account. I tried with an other account and it worked but I don't have any lyrics on my personnal account.

Anyone can hepl me ?

Try logging out of app, deinstall / reinstall…it’s my assumption you are on premium Spotify otherwise you won’t see the lyrics which I read when it was announced.

I dont have lyrics on my phone but I have on mac.

phone: iphone 6s

İos 15.1

spotify is also updated

But I cant see any lyrics on my phone app?

Everybody around me has lyrics. I'm the only one who doesn't. I have an alternate account without subscription that has lyrics but my main account with Premium has no lyrics.


Well as people have suggested, I'm going to migrate. End of Story.



I've tried everything, but lyrics don't appear in Iphone (they do when I login on desktop). Use IOS 15.1, Spotify Anyone an idea or same experience?


By the way: I logged out, logged in, reinstalled, ... Accepted all cookies, ... Using Premium family. All others do have lyrics.


I need to disable the lyrics for my children! How do I do this please! 


I'm on a premium account and I'm having the same thing happen on both my Android 12 phone and Android 10 tablet running version 8.6..86.1231 of Spotity on both. The desktop version works fine but I have uninstalled, reinstalled, logged out and back in after rebooting. 


Hi. Having same trouble as others have posted. Lyrics don't show up at all for any song. I'm the family plan owner.. Others in my family group have lyrics on their account, just not me. 

I have clean uninstalled the app and installed again twice - no change.