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[Playlists] Sort List of Playlists alphabetically

How about ordering playlists alphabetically? I'm paying for this service and this feature is the most common and easiest one even for a free music player...

Updated on 2021-07-07

Hey folks,


Thanks for coming to the Spotify Idea Exchange and voting to make this happen.


We're happy to announce that sorting your lists of playlists alphabetically is now available across devices. There's more info here.


Once again, thanks for helping us make Spotify better, by participating here on the Community.


Having a huge collection of playlists, I would like to be able to order them alphabetically. Currently it is a huge mess. I think with this easy and quick option there would be some order in my playlist chaos, so it would be great if it would be implemented in the following update (and of course left in in subsequent updates thereafter).

Save your breath mate because nobody at Spotify is listening, I have
decided to not renew my subscription. If more people did the same they
would listen then. Let's see if you get a response. Good luck.

Lewisjk I totally agree with what you have just said......NOBODY IS LISTENING AND NOBODY FROM SPOTIFY CARES......this simple problem is NOT going to be fixed. I honestly don't understand why Spotify has this forum other than to frustrate and annoy everybody on it. I also have had enough and am about to leave


I just have made my Deezer subscription. Importing my Spotify playlists will be the next step, than I will stop using the paid version of Spotify. That's the consequence. If Spotify ignores even the most simple wishes of their customers they seem not to interested to hold us...


Another point is that more and more songs obviuosly are replaced by newer remastered versions with worse sound or bad remixes. If someone hears the music with a good HiFi equipment he will be more and more disppointed. I am so.




The more people that complain about the alphabetical listings the better. One day they just might listen to what their paying customers want. What sort of a company doesn't listen to their customers?



on android and ios you can sort lists "by name" ( alphabeticaly)

your music-> playlists-> "3 pararel lines" -> sort by


I dont figured out how to sort on pc so far


You can manually grab each playlist and pull it to the order that you want
it in. It is time consuming but once done is very easy to manage.
Cheers Lewis

Ridiculous that this option is not available...  ALPHABETICAL SORTING OF PLAYLISTS PLEASE. Pretty sure Pandora has figured it out.. and basically every other player, ever.

Well said and I 100% agree. Lewis