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Filter Podcasts By Length And Popularity

A lot of times I get in the car and want to find an episode of a Podcast that matches my drive time. For example Vox’s 99% Invisible has episodes ranging from 5-50 minutes and I prefer to not listen to half of a 50 minute episode or 5 minute episodes. For a 25 minute drive time my best option is to find a 27 minute episode and download that one.


also many Podcasts are in the hundreds of episodes now and when starting a new one I want to see what their best episode is like. That’s usually not their most recent or their first one, which given the current filters are all you can really find. Being able to sort by popularity would be awesome!

Status changed to: New Suggestion

Updated on 2023-10-12

Hey @Thulium1,


Thanks for submitting your idea to the Idea Exchange!


We've gone ahead and marked this as a new suggestion. Spotify Staff will look into this idea once it reaches the necessary amount of votes.


More info on how your feedback reaches Spotify via the Idea Exchange can be found here.




It would be nice to filter podcasts when discover a new podcast. I want to listen to the most popular episodes. 
