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[All Platforms][Your Library] Increase maximum Songs allowed in Your Music

I feel like the maximum amount of songs allowed in one playlist, and subsequently in "Songs" playlist under the new "Collections" feature, should be more than 10,000.


Quite frankly it should be unlimited. 


We are paying for a service but limited on how many songs we are able to save? That is absurd to me.


I recently started saving all of my albums into "Collections" and got stuck at about 1/4 of the way through - 10,000 songs has been reached and I am no longer able to save any more albums.




Updated on 2020-05-26


Thanks for coming to the Idea Exchange.

We're excited to be marking this idea as implemented!
We've now removed the limit on saved items in Your Library, making it possible to save songs, and albums on Spotify to your heart's content.

As the app has changed quite a bit since this idea was submitted, please be aware that some functionality is now different. This change does not impact the limit on the number of songs in a playlist other than your Liked Songs.

For more info, check out this blog post.



I’ve had Spotify for all of 2 hours and already reached the 10,000 limit. This is absolutely rediculous. Why is the limit so low for a “premium” service? Why would I pay $9.99 for Spotify when Apple Music is the same price and I’ve never had any issues being limited in the number of songs I can have in my library?



     >> I'm at 6107 and adding and am scared of . . . .


I'm at 108,750 saved tracks and adding-- << My 108,750 track libraryMy 108,750 track library >> and I hope that Spotify postpones any changes to saving tracks-- postpones at least until the speeds of mobile and workstation processors increase to at least 100 times as fast as in 2018.


Spotify startup takes long enough now, right?


How do you have that many saved?


I mainly use the "Add to" function from the RightClick save menu-- I have maybe 200K tracks saved and have maybe ten different libraries that can be assembled as I wish from modules of saved tracks.

Oh, so you just have them in playlists then.

Lol, exactly. I was like "what??" Oh, that's just a fancy way of saying he's using playlists, haha. Yeah, me too. I call them "Library spillover 1" 2, 3, and so on. I mean, it works, but it's far from ideal, because those little checkmarks by the songs in your library are useful. Without them, you don't know if you've already put the song in your library spillover playlists. You actually have to go and move it to a playlist so it tells you you've already got it in there. And if you have it in a previous library spillover playlist that you've already filled, well, now you have have duplicate songs in multiple playlists. So yeah, using playlists is what's keeping me from ditching Spotify, but it sure isn't the kind of user-friendliness I expect from a premium service either.



     >>  ... those little checkmarks by the songs in your library are useful. Without them, you don't know . . . .


Maybe . . . .  Are you sure?  I will try again when I am working on my other computer with the latest Spotify player.  How does that work?


The last time I checked, those little checkmarks were completely useless in my music collections for indicating whether my music collections contain any duplications.  Maybe you can enlighten me.  Here I have over 700 duplications of Eleanor Rigby >> << that are objectionable duplications whenever I hear them in a play session.  The last time I checked, the latest Spotify player loads them all as completely different performances with completely different checkmarks even if they are exact duplicates just on different albums.


I will check again later in the latest version of the Spotify player when I am working on my other computer.


What did you find?


Definitely switching to Apple music. As much as I like spotify, this limit is bogus and I'm going to hit it soon. If playlists could still be shuffled on mobile, I'd consider staying but you can't even do that anymore. It'll be a pain in the **bleep** moving every song on my playlist to Apple Music but it will probably be worth doing. Also, I've been noticing a lot of music being taken off of spotify and is availible on Apple still. Spotify is messing up. I've contacted a few artists and they weren't even aware their music was taken off. The **bleep** is going on Spotify?


I've hit it twice already...this is sad. It's obvious people at Spotify don't know how to keep it's customers happy.

How can they call this a music site..limitations on how many songs you can add to your playlist, songs missing, slow loading. 

It's a complete mess! 


Quelle déception d'être limitée à 10000 titres... Je dosi régulièrement faire du ménage dans ma collection alors que j'étais enthousiaste à l'idée de dématérialiser ma discothèque, mais ce n'est pas possible sur votre plateforme... J'ai bien lu ici et là que vous considériez que ce n'étais pas un problème dans la mesure où 1% de vos utilisateurs étaient concernés. Je trouve ça moche de raisonner de cette manière.

J'espère que votre offre va rapidement évoluer.