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Bollywood and Sufi Radio


Bollywood and Sufi Radio

Hey I'm Udirno (Udi),


I've been using Spotify aggressively for five years and a lot of my time has been dedicated towards exploring new Bollywood and Sufi music as part of my collegiate dance team. A lot of these songs are based off of famous movies that I haven't watched and Spotify has become my primary tool for discovering new and old South Asian music as someone living in the US. 


Normally the "Go to Radio" feature works well, however I was quick to notice that the pool of south Asian songs Spotify was recommending quickly became repetitive. As a dancer, I was looking for songs in a similar key, overlapping back beats, "raag" overlap, and although the radio was helpful for finding Western music, it failed miserably when it came to the Bollywood and Sufi genre.


I noticed that the more "classical" the songs were the more difficult it got for the radio feature to recommend new songs, and it default looped over the same pool of songs. As someone who follows Bollywood and Sufi music I was still able to navigate but this was something interesting I noticed and think could be specifically improved for Spotify's South Asian users. I was wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience using the radio feature. Would love to discuss!

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