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Fill Up My Friend Activity On Spotify

Looking to follow active users who are into any kind of music! I love finding new songs and artists. A lot of the time I find new music through what my friends have been listening to recently.  


I'm into a little bit of any and everything but pop punk owns my heart forever and always. Lately, I have been heavily back into 90's / 00's EDM. Let me know if you follow my account so I can follow yours back! 


Here's a playlist of everything I've been into over the years: 


& this one is what I've been listening to regularly nowadays:  

10 Replies

Hey! I actually follow you, you have a lot of great playlists! Heres my account if you want to check out some of my playlists and follow me back


digging your playlists as well, just followed back!

heyy i just followed you!! loving your playlists
here's my account if you wanna check it out

just followed ya back, great looking playlists!

already following ya!

hey. i mainly worked on my oldschool rap playlist but i listen to almost every genre. going to work more on my other playlists soon. listening to spotify every day. peace

already followed your playlist, please give love to my playlist too!

Hi! cool playlists! I think we both already follow each other... but just in case you want to discover some new music - here's my classic rock masterlist! 

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