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my playlist is filled with unavailable songs frequently, should either switch back to audio player or I-pods or start using apple music.


after all these changes that spotify made to the UI and the changes they made to the like button. I feel like it's better we switch to apple music or our old gold i-pods, at least the bit rate of music is higher. all these futile changes + no proper music library support + why is there left panel to look at history the dedicated simple button was excellent in all the scenarios be it's position & logo. all messed up UI elements & tiktokifying elements for the latest music. I hate it & obviously whole community hate it . recommendations are good but the UI that gives tiktokish elements is useless, makes user loose control of the music, which is exactly the opposite, why people choose spotify, it has audience with their own taste unlike TikTok which runs on trends & artistic audience. all the respect that spotify has is lost with these changes. it was good until you were the one & only best place.

if this can reach the devs just look at it and turn around the business model of he app. else rest is upto the results.

1 Reply

I agree that a lot of these new updates should have been left in the drafts and have been working backwards in making the app better and achieving its final form, that being said i also understand being a developer for large companies and making big decisions is hard

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