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What's the first album you ever bought?


What's the first album you ever bought?

Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory.


I was about 10 when the album came out. Buying a CD as a 10 year old is no laughing matter - this was the most amount of money I’d ever spent on anything. Having absolutely no concept of money, it was hard to hand over £10-15. It was a financial crisis!


In The End (great pun), I decided to buy it, and oh boy was it a good purchase! I’d heard a few singles from the album, and couldn’t wait to get going on the full thing. I put some fresh batteries in my walkman, inserted the CD, and pressed play. Boom! Papercut, here we go!




I’m not going to go into details about the album itself, as I’m fairly sure 99% of humans on earth have heard it. If you haven’t heard it, it might be too late. What I will say is the album changed my view on music. No longer was music that thing that my parents listened to - now I had my own music! This album was the fuel for many of my short lived careers in skateboarding, BMXing, bass guitar, and that one time I tried to make my own energy drink to sell.

What’s the first album you ever bought?





73 Replies

On Vynil - The Ltd Edition SKIN - Flume

On CD - Invaders must DIe - The Prodigy  

The first album I can remember buying was Ixnay on the Hombre by The Offspring.


The first single was rather different though:


My eclectic music taste continues to this day...

The first album I ever bought was from r Kelly. I was on a trip in Chicago with my school. I think I was around 11 and he was my favorite artist. I listened to this cd for months on end !

Hall & Oats "bigger than both of us."

Snoop Doggy Dogg - Doggystyle

Chris brown x

Royal East - First


Listen here:


It's not as common in this generation for people to buy full albums, instead just purchasing their favourite songs. I bought this short album to support the band, and because they absolutely rock!

Screen Shot 2017-04-27 at 7.07.15 pm.png

Bob Marley - Rastaman Vibration (1976)

I was 9 year and bought it on vinyl.

After that i was hooked on Reggae and songs taht actually means something.

Laste year in December i vist Nine Mile Robert "BOB" Marley birthplace and home also where his grave are. It was epic.

Favourite track that change my life:



It was High School Musical'soundtrack 😂😂

Of Monsters and Men - My Head is an Animal


While I still love their music, I used to be absolutely obsessed with this band when I was 8 years old. I remember I looked a younger than I was, so when I went up to the counter with my $15, the salesperson looked more than a bit surprised. After that, I used to listen to them from my old CD player for ages each afternoon. Good times...


Man that's a tough one... it would probably be a nirvana CD or some old pop/punk album of the early 90s

Thompson Twins - In to the gap on Vinyl. Still a great listen 35 years or so down the line. 

Lol mine was actually the Animiniacs show soundtrack.One of the most obnoxious things ever but 9 year old me LOVED it!

Its not available on Spotify but I think I bought it with my Christmas Money 

The first album(s) I remember buying on my own, without input from my parents were bought on the same day, and they were Mariah Carey "Music Box", Janet Jackson "Janet" and Sheryl Crow "Tuesday Night Music Club."    I had just turned 13 or 14 and for my birthday was given my first stereo with CD player (instead of Cassette tape player); and also had gotten like $25 or $30 dollars from my grandparents and aunt, and had to decide what to get.   I agonized over the decision of which CD's to buy and finally decided on these three because they were pretty popular with my group of friends at the time, and I was familar with some of the singles off these albums. 

All That We Needed - Plain White T's


Don't ask me why, it was in a thrift store for 50 cents.

The first album I bought with my own money was The Police Synchronicity

Depends on. The medium. Not quite old enough for 8 track, but my first cassette was RHCP "Uplift Mofo Party Plan". First CD was NIN "Pretty Hate Machine".

50 cent get rich or die trying

My parents listened to German polka music. Every evening I went to sleep with "the Sound of Music" soundtrack. I didn't make the purchase but I made it mine. No [ um pap pa] beat yours was a sweet choice for a child

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