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Attention Movie Lovers


Attention Movie Lovers

With all the craziness going on in the world right now I've found comfort in catching up on some classic movies, as well as some newer ones on Prime and Netflix. 

I've created a playlist of some of my favorite movie music, which I listen to on a daily basis, I find it really good for concentrating whilst I'm working too. 


Particular favorite tracks are the Night Window from 1917 - literally saw the movie for the first time last week and this piece of music was so awesome and emotional. 

I'm also not going to lie and say that I love The Face of Pan from John William's "Hook" soundtrack - takes me back to being a kid.

Feel free to check out the playlist here, I really hope you enjoy it. Anything missing from it, let me know and I'll add it in. -


Stay safe everyone.


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