
Help Wizard

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Recommend a band with fewer than 500 followers


Recommend a band with fewer than 500 followers

Spotify has a lot of amazing, undiscovered artists. Some of them just need a push into the spotlight. 


So in this thread you can recommend your favorite artists with less than 500 followers. 


To insert a Spotify Play Button just: 

1. Pick a track from the artist/ band. 

2. Right click and select Copy Embed Code.

3. Paste it in the HTML tab on your community post. 


Lately I've been listening to a lot of Psyence Fiction (34 followers). Recommended to me by @Jamie 



UPDATE: Don't feel like digging through the whole thread for new tunes? Here's a handy playlist for you.  Hit shuffle and enjoy:



1,362 Replies

It states Various Artist but its David O' Dowda!

I like it!

WoW! Thanks for posting this...I really really like it! I am going to check out the complete band!!!


This is Beautiful! Thanks for posting it.

Passport to Stockholm (8 Followers)

Here's one of my favorite local artists, Nakia! He was a contestant on season 1 of The Voice, and sings awesome Texas blues/soul.




Listen to Lorraine Cato Take Me Save Me.

A great young Aussie post hardcore band.


I am still into darkwave at the moment and therefore let's share two underestimated (german) bands


All Hallows Eve, which is more an artist project cause many guest singers are involved in this concept


Sweet Ermengarde, which is a german band from near my hometown. SE reminds me a bit to Tito & Tarantula, maybe it is only because of the appearance of the singer lol


Not to flooding you with to many darkwave, let's name an electro/synthpop band here too. Torul has a real catchy and danceable sound + +

A brand new band from Liverpool. Their debut album 'My Fear and Me' is amazing. Only 24 followers at the moment...


Just 122 Followers for Travis Bretzer

Critical Hit

If you like video game music and strings + guitar you should listen to this


Hello !!


Will hanson : UK Musician, guitarist and songwriter.......And great




Unbuttoned will change your life.





A friend of mine is in this band Sphynx. I've been listening their Orbs and Sha Dynasty off their Pre Wild EP:



Their EP is here:


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