
Help Wizard

Step 1


Recommend a band with fewer than 500 followers


Recommend a band with fewer than 500 followers

Spotify has a lot of amazing, undiscovered artists. Some of them just need a push into the spotlight. 


So in this thread you can recommend your favorite artists with less than 500 followers. 


To insert a Spotify Play Button just: 

1. Pick a track from the artist/ band. 

2. Right click and select Copy Embed Code.

3. Paste it in the HTML tab on your community post. 


Lately I've been listening to a lot of Psyence Fiction (34 followers). Recommended to me by @Jamie 



UPDATE: Don't feel like digging through the whole thread for new tunes? Here's a handy playlist for you.  Hit shuffle and enjoy:



1,363 Replies

<iframe src="" width="100%" height="380" frameBorder="0" allowtransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe>

Has 484 Monthly Listeners as of 29 Jun 2021

I just discovered this song so I wanted to share it before it blows up.



hello everyone, I have a two-man band here that produces on its own at home.

Ryno - Better 

Wonderful downtempo music from this guy!

Damn! I'm loving all the recommendations! Updating some playlists right now.


Here's mine: Like Crashing Waves

No specified genre so far and as waves do: they come and they go. But latest releases play with jazz, hip hop, beats, lofi and ambient. Recommended for anyone looking for some chill vibes. :¬)

ps.: my embedded code does not seem to work. This is the third try. I'm heading to other topics now to solve this. haha

This is a band of two friends of mine. They are The Dice. The band features a friend of mine on guitar and on lead vocals, his brother on bass and backing vocals and a friend of theirs on drums, percussions and stuff.


Here's the link to their releases. They play a mixture of Power Pop and Rock'n'Roll. Hope you enjoy



thanks for this infirmary discussion that helped me alot.



I followed! Thanks Don't forget to listen so they get streams.


<iframe src="" width="100%" height="380" frameBorder="0" allowfullscreen="" allow="autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; fullscreen; picture-in-picture"></iframe>

I'd recommend the debut single of Hawklord and the Comets, Simple Life.
Swedish Country at it's finest! 🙂

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