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Share a track from an Unknown Artist you love


Share a track from an Unknown Artist you love

Spotify is helping so many artists to get the recognition they deserve, so, to help more and more people to be discovered, I ask you to share one track from an artist that isn't very well known (just yet!)

I'm sharing with you, Ayelle, an amazing artist from Sweden (based in London), that I had the pleasure of finding. Hope you enjoy it. Don't forget to post a track of your choice in the comments below 🙂



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390 Replies

pretty underground postp


Here's an artist that I LOVE!

Invadable harmony makes such beautiful emotional music, Every piece has a very deep meaning. If this music doesn't make you cry or let you reflect upon your life... then I don't know what will. Give her some love


Also Invadable Harmony posts a new video everyday on Youtube!


Enjoy ❤️

My friend got interesting R'n'B with different styles in one EP. My favourite is Bad Thing, it mixes R'n'B style with sassy guitars

Dainosor John - Song based on a prehistoric story.

It's the friendship of two dinosaurs. They try to save their lives from the great meteorite that comes towards the earth.


ok check it

Thanks mate! Where are you based?


I just discovered Ayelle recently. She is really talented!! Also, here is maxtallies. Let me know what you think ❤️

Hey! If you go to the song and click the little three dots, an option will come up saying to copy the song link. Once you select it, you can paste it and the link and image should show up! Let me know if youre having trouble


 Her lyrics are deep and real. I love the raw emotion!

Ok Will check

Thank you!

Ok i check

Thank you! I really appreciate this 🙏🏾


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