
Help Wizard

Step 1


Share your most favorite playlist you've made!!


Share your most favorite playlist you've made!!

I'd love to listen to some of your favorite playlists! Comment with one that you are proud of and lets see the different responses.


This is probably my favorite playlist I've made, its made of songs that remind me of falling in love and usually sounds the best turned up in your headphones!


405 Replies

Hey everyone! I recently created a playlist to help support and uplift women. It would mean so much if you'd consider giving it a follow! Thank you!

Nice one - will drop you a follow 😉

cool one - will follow that one too 🙂

When you listen this playlist, you keep browsing the cover art of this playlist so your mood will be more mysterious...

Top Shelf R&B

Here is a playlist of ten diligently handpicked tunes updated every other week. New editions replace the old, so you get one tape and that's all. An extra effort has been put into choosing the songs and the tracklisting. There is bias and that is solely on the tunes, but the playlist remains meta-data free. Hope you enjoy it as much as we do!

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