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Step 1


Share your most favorite playlist you've made!!


Share your most favorite playlist you've made!!

I'd love to listen to some of your favorite playlists! Comment with one that you are proud of and lets see the different responses.


This is probably my favorite playlist I've made, its made of songs that remind me of falling in love and usually sounds the best turned up in your headphones!


404 Replies

Hello, this is my current listen at work...these are actually for girls :'>

I have a few favs but I think this is my top fav so far - I'm having lots of fun building it ๐Ÿ™‚



pls give it a like and follow that would absolutely make my day

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As a singer songwriter, I always look for new ideas. So I gathered a bunch of original singer songwriters , some are well known some less, that can give the inspiration you need to write your own music

Let me know what you think


PLEASE give it a like and listen, good mix of old and new and all round songs to get you going

Must Have Rock (about 48h of pure rock'n roll)....follow my profile to discover more than 150 other great playlists!!!!

Heya, this is one is my main and favorite one that i've been working on.

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