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First Amendment Rights Rule

First Amendment Rights Rule

  • Hi, I have been a Spotify customer for several years and have loved the app. However, it has come to my attention that Spotify is discussing removing the Joe Rogan podcast. I am not a fan of Rogan and do not listen to his podcast. But as an American citizen, I feel it is my duty to stand up for our constitutional right of the First Amendment. This amendment gives us the right to free speech, no matter if we agree with their political, religious, health, etc., beliefs. If you were to cancel the Joe Rogan podcast or any other podcast because you do no agree with their stance on issues, then I will no longer be a Spotify customer. Everything had become a political issue in these unsettling times and to put and end to this, it must start with ourselves. My hope is that you will do the right thing and allow the individual voices of the American citizens to be heard, whether you agree or disagree with them. God bless the U.S.A. and her Constitution. Thank you, WendyD
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