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[Samsung Smart TV] Spotify doesn't work


[Samsung Smart TV] Spotify doesn't work

Sent a message sometime ago, but don't see it appearing here.


Once more;


Got a Premium account registered with a name and a pasword (not a Facebook). Tried to use the app on my Samsung ES7000. From thre attepmts to use it got the following messages:


1. There seemed to be a problem with my account, needed to visit Tried again

2. Could log in, could find the music, but couldn't play any - an erros message (I guess an ID2 or something), Tried to log in again

3. Got the message again, that there is a problem with my account, needed to visit Visited. Nothing - Premium account is active, nothing wrong, no messages or warnings.


Posted a message to the forum - it didn't apprear. Got a message that I have a private message and to read it I need to follow the link and press on the envelope. No envelope to press on when I follow the link. Can't find anything that looks like private message box.



162 Replies

Just installed the app. Got this error when i searched for a song and tried to play it. Solved by just choosing a song in one of my playlists and starting it. After that i can search and play... no more error

Thanks, that worked for me. Samsung firmware si just sh*t, I couldn't upgrade the firmware while I was in the smart hub mode. This is crazy

Updated TV software to "alternative software" at te same place You choose to update software , but don't choose the option "on-line" choose "alternative software".
My TV is a UN55ES8000 and the software that worked was T-ECPUABC-1030.0, BT -S / I /G

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