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[WP 7.0] Windows Phone 7 App and Facebook

[WP 7.0] Windows Phone 7 App and Facebook



I have been using the app for a while and for a couple days it was posting what I was listening to on Facebook, but it isn't anymore.  Is this a feature in progress?  And is there any news about integration? 

7 Replies

No news. App is outdated and without features. I changed to Android back.

Gotcha.  I've been contemplating moving to an Android phone recently, only because I've been having some, ahhh, issues with Windows Phone 7.  I have no idea where to find one decently priced as my contract isn't up til December of next year.  I tried out my friend's Android app and was mindblown at how much more functional it was.

I agree. This is the reason why I purchased Android phone. New Android app is awesome!

@blahsi wrote:

Gotcha.  I've been contemplating moving to an Android phone recently, only because I've been having some, ahhh, issues with Windows Phone 7.  I have no idea where to find one decently priced as my contract isn't up til December of next year.  I tried out my friend's Android app and was mindblown at how much more functional it was.

What country are you in? I may be able to make some Android recommendations 🙂

The U.S. actually, with AT&T.  About 8 months into my 24 month contract.

@blahsi wrote:

The U.S. actually, with AT&T.  About 8 months into my 24 month contract.

Is PAYG in the US as bad as people say it is? I hope you like being tied into your contract - I can't get a contract as I am too young, and my MUm can't get one due to a bad credit rating - but she say's if she could, she wouldn't.


I have a SGS2 - and I love it. I would choose a high end Android, if you do think on switching.

I really don't know about pay as you go here in the US, I definitely need to do some research.  Contracts and their associated pricing is really annoying.  I tried out my friend's Galaxy S2 and it is pretty awesome.  Another friend has a Razr.  I've contemplated buying myself out of the contract, but I'm going to try and see what I can do about maybe switching phones altogether through the warranty or with my insurance.  I'm on my second Titan and it just badly glitched while trying to browse the net.  I'm pretty sure the screen shouldn't look like the NES when everything goes wonky (objects all over the screen) 🙂

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