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Change to Spotify premium - error

Change to Spotify premium - error



I always used spotify premium. It expired in january, so I asked to extend it. The trials during the last week, brought ab an error page. Today I am getting the message (unfortunately in German) in a red box.


 Wir koennen dein Abo leider nicht umstellen. Das kann verschiedene Gruende haben. Vielleicht bist du nicht berechtigt, dieses Abo zu nutzen. Oder du nutzt es bereits oder hast keine Zahlungsmethode angegeben.


In case you do  not understand, it says there is a problem and it may have various causes. Mayve I am not allowed to make use of this abo. Or I am already using it and I did not fill in payment details.


You see, this error message is not getting more helpful, if translated. Spotify does not ask me to confirm my student status, so indeed I see a problem here. It might check my old university, I do not know. Payment works fine.


(Also I am getting the following message when trying to post this: There was an error while attempting to post your message. Try again in a few minutes.


Is there any chance, Spotify provides a functioning page soon?)



Thank you,








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